on 16-08-2012 12:23 PM
Do you think Ebay will ever restore the feedback system to how it use to be 'FAIR'. ?
Sellers not be allowed to leave a negative feedback for a buyer is as every seller know's completely unfair.
Both buyers and sellers should have the same rights, to leave feedback on their transaction. If a seller has had a bad experience with a non- paying buyer or one of 1000 others reason's why can't this be reflected on the buyers feedback?
If I could see that a buyer has many neg's I would block them from my store.
Shouldn't a seller have that option?
on 06-09-2012 11:25 AM
I agree. I had a buyer who bought 3 items from me & asked if they could pay later as they only get paid monthly. I allowed this (stupid me won't make that mistake again) no payment even after repeated attempts to contact them. The time had passed for me to report an unpaid item dispute. I could only leave positive feedback to this buyer (experience was not at all positive) & the buyers feedback was private anyway so no one can see the comments. I certainly don't think it's ok to abuse another person on e-bay but everyone should be able to see how that person trades whether they are a seller or buyer.
on 06-09-2012 11:59 AM
We are very new to the boards, so I don't wish to appear to agree or disagree with respected posters, but as a personal choice, I must say I much prefer the system now with blocks and strikes for non paying customers.
on 06-09-2012 05:47 PM
We are very new to the boards, so I don't wish to appear to agree or disagree with respected posters, but as a personal choice, I must say I much prefer the system now with blocks and strikes for non paying customers.
You are actally in agreeance with respected posters.. It's usually only new sellers that start these threads whinging about not being able to leave poistive feedback..
Even if you could leave negative feedback, most people don't look through others feedback to see what kind of buyer they were.. Sellers can't even do this as they don't have ESP so they can't check the feedback of a buyer before they buy from them..
As long as you open unpaid item disputes and have the necessary blocks in place, you can stop buyers from buying from you.
on 06-09-2012 05:47 PM
Sorry that should have been It's usually only new sellers that start these threads whinging about only being able to leave poistive feedback.
on 06-09-2012 07:42 PM
What many sellers who have joined since the feedback changes don't realise is that ebay are actually doing them a big favour.
In the 'old days' sellers who did leave negs for repeat non payers, which did the buyers absolutely no harm, usually got one in return plus they were often less than polite in their comments all of which just made them look bad.
on 08-09-2012 04:17 AM
We are very new to the boards, so I don't wish to appear to agree or disagree with respected posters, but as a personal choice, I must say I much prefer the system now with blocks and strikes for non paying customers.
You are actally in agreeance with respected posters.. It's usually only new sellers that start these threads whinging about not being able to leave poistive feedback..
patchoooo ....how many feedback comments does has the poster have that started this thread is the number closer to 1 or 20 000................ look at the feedback amount of other posters on this thread that agree with the OP.
I know about posting IDs...... what do you think a newbie poster's PERCEPTION of postings ids would be or a lurker that mever posts???
If you had ecces to the powersellers board then you would know how many very very experienced ebay members disagree with the feedback being extremely ones sided.
Posters need to use their REAL EBAY username to post on the powerseller board and surprisingly the support for the reinstatement of mutual uncensored feedback runs at
EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE percentages as is experienced on these boards
..... most people are surprisingly polite when they cannot hide behind a posting ID..................
anyways you carry on and perpetuate the feedback furphy
on 08-09-2012 04:30 AM
so, for the lurkers,....have a look at the "posting ids" stance on this thread....and then have a look at the posters with credible feedback who are posting with their main selling IDs and their stance on the feedback policy as it now stands...................
................ Why give credence to a small herd of posters that have not the intestinal fortitude to use the main ids to give "advice" on these forums over those posters in these forums who do post using their main selling id..... in fact many of those posters may only have one id to buy, to sell and to post ?????
It has me baffled, that people just trust others who say
"trust me, this is my posting id I am really experienced and I know best"
although it does reflect the gullibilty that gives rise to a lot of the mistakes that are made on ebay,
on 08-09-2012 02:15 PM
Talking about FAIR I recently sold some bricks, approx 1100.
I stacked them up nice and neat along the driveway, when the buyer arrived, he looked at them and said , they are exactly like mine. I DID NOT ADERTISE THEM AS SIMILAR TO HIS. He had a 6 by4 trailer and that was loaded to the top. He struggled driving away.He came back TWO days later and loaded the trailer again to the top.I only advertised the bricks as 900 to a 1000.
on 08-09-2012 02:44 PM
You obviously mis-read my post
It's usually only new sellers that start these threads..
I didn't say it was only new sellers
If you had ecces to the powersellers board then you would know how many very very experienced ebay members disagree with the feedback being extremely ones sided.
Regardless of how many people liked it the old way, eBay are not about to change it back
on 08-09-2012 03:11 PM
Regardless of how many people liked it the old way, eBay are not about to change it back
And THAT is pretty much the whole point.
Powersellers Board is a lot less moderated than here - they are free moan amongst themselves a lot more. And moan they do, hence why many of us also prefer the realities of these public forums where people tend to be less insular and more receptive to alternative ideas and viewpoints.
But the bottom line is that the revised feedback system has been in place wordwide for FOUR YEARS. Sellers of all sizes have been continually moaning about it for FOUR YEARS. To me, it's pointless moaning about it. Live isn't ever fair if you take a negative, defeatist attitude... but if you take an optimistic attitude, then these kinds of things won't affect you.