Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

If Ebay Australia is going to allow overseas sellers(predominately Chinese) to sell on Ebay this is fair enough,but I believe Ebay should be more fairer to Australian sellers by making that all Australian seller listings appear first in the list when a person types in a search word.


The way the system is now,a person has to go to the left side of screen and click "Australia only" to only see Australian listings and this is a lot of effort and causes a great disadvantage to Australian sellers.


If Ebay made it that that Australia seller listing appeared first,then this would help Australian sellers to compete better and at the same time it wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage to Chinese (or other) sellers as they still could sell on Ebay and Ebay would still make money from their listings/sales.


Can I get your opinions please?

Message 1 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

There is an eBay China. Why not list on there and play them at their own game?

Message 21 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

Are you suggesting that the overseas sellers that appear first are sellers that state they sell to Australia only and that Ebays search listing rank are based on selling to Australia only?


If that's the case, and if that is the system that Ebay is using then that needs to be changed too as,no,I don't think it would be fair to exclude Australian sellers from appearing high up in listings simply because they sell/post overseas too.


Keep in mind though this is Ebay company.Its not hard for them to totally implement a new system that would show Australian seller listings first regardless of whether they sell to Australia only or to overseas also.



Message 22 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

I'd love to lol but I think Ebay company failed in China.

Theres still a website ebay.cn but it doesn't appear to be a buying/selling platform.





Message 23 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

@luxequalitygems wrote:

Are you suggesting that the overseas sellers that appear first are sellers that state they sell to Australia only and that Ebays search listing rank are based on selling to Australia only?


If that's the case, and if that is the system that Ebay is using then that needs to be changed too as,no,I don't think it would be fair to exclude Australian sellers from appearing high up in listings simply because they sell/post overseas too.


Keep in mind though this is Ebay company.Its not hard for them to totally implement a new system that would show Australian seller listings first regardless of whether they sell to Australia only or to overseas also.



Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting because that's how it is. That's how the Chinese especially get around it. They'll have listings that post only to Australia to maximise their exposure on each type of search. They'll have listings that post only to the US, so they are seen on all search options there. Others will say UK only, or Italy only, basically pick a country.


If they changed Australia Only to sellers who have an Australian address only, they've got around that one too by saying they are in Darwin.

Message 24 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

@luxequalitygems wrote:

Are you suggesting that the overseas sellers that appear first are sellers that state they sell to Australia only and that Ebays search listing rank are based on selling to Australia only?





Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting because that's how it is. That's how the Chinese especially get around it. They'll have listings that post only to Australia to maximise their exposure on each type of search. They'll have listings that post only to the US, so they are seen on all search options there. Others will say UK only, or Italy only, basically pick a country.


If they changed Australia Only to sellers who have an Australian address only, they've got around that one too by saying they are in Darwin.

I don't know how or why refining the search results for others works that way, but mine never has. 


If I tick 'Australia Only', the results switch to listings where the item location is stated as Australia (the refinement option is under "item location", so that's how it's supposed to work).


I know there are sellers who misrepresent the item location, so it doesn't weed out those at all, but it definitely doesn't show me items located overseas but the seller ships to Aus only. 




For whatever it might be worth, I'm throwing my hat in with englishrose - at least in so far as having mixed thoughts about it, because I can see, understand and agree with some points made by both sides, but in any case, at the end of the day I accept the global nature of the site, and acknowledge the fact that I started buying directly from overseas wholesalers so I didn't have to pay high retail prices for the things I wanted to use and/or sell, therefore I can hardly begrudge an Aussie buyer if they want to make a similar choice between one of my items and something from OS.  


In saying that, I pay higher prices (by choice) for some items from Australian retailers, even though I actually know exactly who their (overseas) wholesalers are and can buy from them directly if I wanted to. That choice is about supporting other small Aussie businesses, but it's on a personal level more than anything else. If I bought directly, I'd ultimately get more profit out of the revenue for my own sales, if I buy from the other Aussie business, they make more money, so from an objective point only one Aussie is better off according to the purchase decision that's made. 

Message 25 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

Luxegems....I still haven't seen a coherent and logical argument as to why Australian sellers should appear before others such as Chinese in search engine listings on the eBay AU site.  The only argument I have seen is that it's an Australian site so Australians should appear before anyone else ( which it isn't its a global site with an Australian slant provided by an American company) ...which  I do feel is a very a-typical Australian attitude migrant or otherwise!



If people truly want to sell this way which is of course their choice, they should sell on an Australian only site like Gumtree ( although still owned by the same American company that owns eBay!) or build their own website like me ( and it was built by an Australian!!).






Message 26 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

kopenhagen wrote:

remember when I would search on eBay and all the domestic listings would show first then in a seperate section, all the International listings would show.

And you could also have ending soonest as your default or cheapest first.

It would remain unchanged once you selected it.


I remember those days too.

As mainly a buyer these days, I find it intensely annoying at times to scroll through dozens of listing where the top items are China/USA.

And it is not about Australian racism either. Over in other countries, there are buyers gritting their teeth about the same thing in reverse.


Yes, yes, I know, I only have to go over to the left hand side and tick Australia Only.


And I do that sometimes.


But here's my problem. It doesn't stay as my default, not even for just that day's session on ebay. Only for that one off search.


I'm happy to have international items show, I do buy them sometimes, but I do wish we could set things using a couple of options and that they could stay that way till we opted to change them. I'd personally choose Aust items first, time ending soonest.


It's easy to assume that buyers are all clued up more than they are. I know a couple who have each had an ebay account for years. Buying plus selling the occasional thing. The man was pretty good with computers. Yet one day I mentioned a past 'sold' price and he asked-How did you find that? He had never bothered looking closely at the LHS and hadn't realised he could look up completed listings or limit searches to eg so many km from home.


Oh well, you can only lead the horses to water I guess, you can't make them drink, but gee it would be nice if some of the LHS settings could be set and forget.

Message 27 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

Don't want to labour the point (I will, anyway !!), but there IS such a word as 'fairer'.


The mistake is saying 'more fairer', a double comparative. The word 'more' in this instance should not be included.

Message 28 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

ok, i admit i failed in just about every subject at school, my 'grammar' is bloomin terrible.


how about we all just get along here unless someone is being a cretin.


no need to pick on posters because they cant spell or cant make a point without difficulty in the wording, i have this problem a lot.


getting bullied at school was bad enuff but it continues thoughout your life.


old saying, dont judge unless your ready to be judged yourself.


no one is perfect.


Message 29 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

@springyzone wrote:

@kopenhagen wrote:

remember when I would search on eBay and all the domestic listings would show first then in a seperate section, all the International listings would show.

And you could also have ending soonest as your default or cheapest first.

It would remain unchanged once you selected it.


I remember those days too.

As mainly a buyer these days, I find it intensely annoying at times to scroll through dozens of listing where the top items are China/USA.

And it is not about Australian racism either. Over in other countries, there are buyers gritting their teeth about the same thing in reverse.


Yes, yes, I know, I only have to go over to the left hand side and tick Australia Only.


And I do that sometimes.


But here's my problem. It doesn't stay as my default, not even for just that day's session on ebay. Only for that one off search.


I'm happy to have international items show, I do buy them sometimes, but I do wish we could set things using a couple of options and that they could stay that way till we opted to change them. I'd personally choose Aust items first, time ending soonest.


It's easy to assume that buyers are all clued up more than they are. I know a couple who have each had an ebay account for years. Buying plus selling the occasional thing. The man was pretty good with computers. Yet one day I mentioned a past 'sold' price and he asked-How did you find that? He had never bothered looking closely at the LHS and hadn't realised he could look up completed listings or limit searches to eg so many km from home.


Oh well, you can only lead the horses to water I guess, you can't make them drink, but gee it would be nice if some of the LHS settings could be set and forget.

What's racism got to do with it? You are not a racist if you agree/disagree with something. How is it even remotely racist by saying you'd prefer Aus listings at the top? You are allowed to mention another nationality without playing the racist card.


I agree with Character Parties. This is a global site. If you are too lazy to select Australia Only (and eliminate half of the sellers in Australia), that's your problem, not eBays, I must take so much effort to tick a box. Probably more effort than logging in, typing in a search term, hitting the enter button, scrolling. Then coming in here, logging in, typing up a message to complain. Yes, ticking a box is soooo hard (this paragraph is a general comment, not directed at you Springy).


I'm glad no-one suggested using the distance option to eliminate OS sellers altogether. That would mean having to type in multiple things rather than tick a single box.

Message 30 of 59
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