Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

If Ebay Australia is going to allow overseas sellers(predominately Chinese) to sell on Ebay this is fair enough,but I believe Ebay should be more fairer to Australian sellers by making that all Australian seller listings appear first in the list when a person types in a search word.


The way the system is now,a person has to go to the left side of screen and click "Australia only" to only see Australian listings and this is a lot of effort and causes a great disadvantage to Australian sellers.


If Ebay made it that that Australia seller listing appeared first,then this would help Australian sellers to compete better and at the same time it wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage to Chinese (or other) sellers as they still could sell on Ebay and Ebay would still make money from their listings/sales.


Can I get your opinions please?

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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

I've been running a website for several years mate. It does very well. Average order is 10 times ebay order no fees higher margin etc etc. eBay is really just used to get traffic there and we pick up a few sales on the way. I've built 6 websites in my time so I know what I am doing.


I get you with supporting Australian families. However that's a very different proposition to what eBay should or should not be doing. If you want to support Australian you shouldn't be buying on ebay. IMHO.

Message 41 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

@character_parties_aus wrote:

I've been running a website for several years mate. It does very well. Average order is 10 times ebay order no fees higher margin etc etc. eBay is really just used to get traffic there and we pick up a few sales on the way. I've built 6 websites in my time so I know what I am doing.


I get you with supporting Australian families. However that's a very different proposition to what eBay should or should not be doing. If you want to support Australian you shouldn't be buying on ebay. IMHO.

Glad to hear your website is going good and you are using it in a good way ๐Ÿ™‚


With Ebay I 100% agree it would be better to go directly to an Australians website however Ebay offers a few advantage. Ease of use everything you want is on the one site rather than going to multiple sites. Safety for a buyer, and to a degree sellers, Ebay/paypal offer a lot of peace of mind. So buyers will and I think should use eBay. 


This is eBay Australia and Aussie sellers should have a good shot at selling here. I did spend a lot of time learning about eBay and how it runs now after coming back and I have got some good listings but I had to work very hard to do that and most sellers want be able to put the time and effort in that is needed to do that.

If you want to have a bit of fun go and buy something from eBay.com.cn do not worry it want cost you much as it is impossible to find anything for sale all they have there is info on how to get the top listings on other countries eBays. It has become a market place for Chinese sellers.Large companies and those of us lucky enough to be able to put a lot of time in learning and already have a basic grasp of how things work, Your average Aussie seller do not have much chance on eBay and that is not right.

Message 42 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

Tippy wrote:

What's racism got to do with it? You are not a racist if you agree/disagree with something. How is it even remotely racist by saying you'd prefer Aus listings at the top? You are allowed to mention another nationality without playing the racist card.



I agree with you Tippy. I don't think it is at all racist to say you prefer to see items from your own country as a permanent default setting. There could be a lot of un racist reasons for that. Postage cost, speed of delivery, ease of exchange etc

But I thought character parties came awfully close to accusing people of being racist if they wanted that. He/she said:


Character parties wrote:

It's such an "Australian" attitude to think that you have the right to appear first in listings on an Australian site because you're Australian. I just don't get it.


In fact, I find that insulting to Australians.

Message 43 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

Remind us again where you buy your stock from?

Message 44 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

If you are going to be average nowadays in retail then you are not going to be successful whether you are Aussie or anyone else.


You need to be exceptional to be successful in retail.


SO just bunging on a few listings and expecting eBay to plonk you on page one just because you are an Aussie. Well I know what I think about that!


I have loads of page one listings alongside plenty of counterfeit Chinese pazaz and you win some you lose some it's eBay and you play by their rules. I'm ok with that other than the counterfeits.


One day I might take eBay seriously again I dont currently but it generates overall good sales from transgression to my website due to genuine free shipping as no fees. If I do I might get back to the 1300 a month feedback I once was but frankly for the lower margins and extra effort and staff involved....it's barely worth it. I'll leave it to the impoverished Chinese.





Message 45 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

I haven't accused anyone of being racist nor do I think anyone is being racist. How ridiculous.


Of course it was always going to happen....it's 2016 after all  I dont see any racisim on here nor do I think anyone is racist. I think that I have now made myself 100% clear.


All that is really the case is that people have different and sometimes strong opinions. Nothing wrong with that at all.


I look forward to an apology.


Message 46 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

Remind us again where you buy your stock from?

From all over the world not sure what that has to do with anything though I know your trying to have a dig just not sure how can you pleae make you little dig more clear please?

Message 47 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

@character_parties_aus wrote:

If you are going to be average nowadays in retail then you are not going to be successful whether you are Aussie or anyone else.


You need to be exceptional to be successful in retail.


SO just bunging on a few listings and expecting eBay to plonk you on page one just because you are an Aussie. Well I know what I think about that!


I have loads of page one listings alongside plenty of counterfeit Chinese pazaz and you win some you lose some it's eBay and you play by their rules. I'm ok with that other than the counterfeits.


One day I might take eBay seriously again I dont currently but it generates overall good sales from transgression to my website due to genuine free shipping as no fees. If I do I might get back to the 1300 a month feedback I once was but frankly for the lower margins and extra effort and staff involved....it's barely worth it. I'll leave it to the impoverished Chinese.





You are starting to puzzle me a little you seem to actually seem to make a very good argument for Aussie sellers to be given priority. From the few posts of yours I have read you seem to be knowledgeable in sale and definitely have fair amount of knowledge and experience when ti comes to online sales. Even with your experience/knowledge you do not find eBay a good market place to sell I do not see how you see that as good. 

If it is hard for an experienced imagine being new and trying to make it. Why would anyone be happy for a company like eBay to turn a market the size of eBay into basically a place for Chinese sellers, to me that is crazy all that money and we are talking about a lot of money is leaving this country that is not good, well not for Aussies anyway

Message 48 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

@luxequalitygems wrote:

I also find it annoying that it doesnt stay as the default option.

It would even be more ideal if there was the option to view items from overseas based on the country.

For example,sometimes i might leave it on "worldwide" because i might want to see items from Thailand,England or Sri Lanka etc but i find it hard to come across those items due to the sheer number of Chinese seller items.



There IS an option to view items that are from a specific country!  It's called Advanced Search.


Click on advanced search and then scroll down towards the bottom where it says Location and select the third one, "Located In" and select the country from the dropdown menu.  If you only want to look at items located in Australia that's quite easy because you just select Australia and type some keywords in (doesn't particularly matter what), then when you get to the page you can alter the keywords lots of times without the default altering.  If you want to save time in future, save the search the first time, then go into your saved searches every time you want to search and click on view items, then just change the keywords to the search you want to do that particular time..  You can alter the keywords umpteen times but the defaults will still stay the same for that session of searching.


I know you can only search in one country at a time with this method but if most of the items you're looking for are from a specific country then all you need to do is save that search, then go back to it whenever you want to search within that country. Just save one advanced search for each country you want to search in and it'll stay in your saved searches to save you having to alter things each time. 

Message 49 of 59
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Re: Ebay should be more fairer to Australian Sellers

Well I'm glad we puzzle you! Makes us interesting to a consumer. And that's what makes a success in retail

Message 50 of 59
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