Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

Community Member

I am extremely unhappy about the information eBay wants from me to receive payments.
If eBay gets hacked, the hacker gets:

  • My name
  • My address
  • My drivers licence
  • My date of birth
  • My bank account details!

And eBay keep this - even after verifying my account!!!
This is too high risk for me!

Why can't they simply transfer to my credit card if you don't want to pay into my paypal account?

I'll bet all those Chinese companies on eBay won't be providing those details!!! What will they do instead? Why do they get away with it, and not me?

If there are no alternatives, I will strongly need to consider not using eBay in future.

Message 1 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

Many of you have never sold anywhere else except here and it shows.


Amazon, Etsy, Paypal and ALL other platforms work on something called "Know Your Customer".

This means that they have to be able to identify you as required by government legislations around the world.

You cannot open an account on Amazon or Etsy, for example, without them asking for exactly the same information as Ebay/Adyen are asking of you. In fact, Amazon wants even MORE than just basic documentation.


You guys need to either get with the programme or find other ways to sell, but please, for heavens sake stop  moaning about Ebay's identity requirements! Accept them, or move on.

Message 11 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

The issue for me what that I used eBay to sell things I no longer needed. That may have been once or twice a year.

The requirements for me are far, far too onerous for casual selling.

It's now just easier if I just chuck whatever I was going to sell in the bin.


I believe that AML only occurs at a certain $ threshold, so eBay are falsely asking for too much details when they don't have to in many cases.

eBay have also been pushing out the casual sellers for years, pretty much only wanting the commercial vendors.

Message 12 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

@tommy - Ebay is not pushing anybody out. In fact, I would say that more people sign up all the time to this platform. Sure, some people leave, but there is a rate of attrition on Amazon, Etsy and other platforms too.

Ebay doesn't know what you are going to list, or how many items you're going to have, the value of what you intend to sell, or anything. All that is of concern here is that you identify yourself to them properly. Period.


Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree or a flea market are your alternatives.

Message 13 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

The thing is a lot of people are leaving eBay daily people are sick of getting either scammed or  getting to hand over personal details remember nothing is fool proof 

Message 14 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

You've got more chance of being scammed by an unscrupulous buyer or seller than you have by giving your information to Ebay and Adyen. A scamming seller will obtain your name, address and very possibly your phone number when you unsuspectingly place an order with them. If you're that against giving any personal info, you must never place an order with anyone ever again.


Every day we read about people who are scammed through fake messages on their phones or emails or through dating sites or through fake police, ATO calls etc. People have their drivers licences stolen from their mailboxes all the time because they don't arrange for a PO Box for peace of mind. People are careless and complacent in their lives in a million different ways, but being scammed by Ebay itself or it's new payment provider Adyen is far less likely than all the occasions I've mentioned above.


If so many people were leaving, this platform would have gone bust a long time ago. The fact that it continues to thrive is a testament to the fact that people find it a good place to find stuff.

Message 15 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

jelly, it never ceases to amaze me the number of members who come here sprouting the ‘identity fraud’ battle cry when rallying against managed payments.


I often wonder if these same people use cheques to pay for things, especially if paying an invoice that has their address on it.  Cheques contain bank details like which bank, account name, BSB, account number AND signature.  Use it to pay a bill and the address is likely included.


It is a no brainer that those complaining about providing the information use the internet . . . which should be more of a concern than providing information to eBay.  I mean, visiting a cafe or other business and using their free-wifi would be a greater risk of having more information stolen that providing the information to eBay.


The majority of instances of identity theft come from internet (email) and mobile phone phishing scams as the identity thieves can send out thousands, and in some cases millions, of messages.  They only need a 0.001% success rate to make it profitable.


I am not looking to diminish the legitimate concerns some members have over identity theft.  To them I say you should stop using eBay for selling.  Also, they should stop using eBay for buying as well as that involves giving complete strangers some of your personal information.


While they are at it, they should stop using email, public wifi, cheques, direct debits, internet banking, phone payment of bills, apps for mobile phones, mobile phones, all forms of computing technology, ALL credit and debit cards, all bank accounts, stop driving and surrender their DL, stop walking on streets and going into buildings with security cameras . . .  buy a time machine and go back to the 50’s.


Message 16 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

@birch180 wrote:

The thing is a lot of people are leaving eBay daily people are sick of getting either scammed or  getting to hand over personal details remember nothing is fool proof 

Do you have proof that people are leaving daily.  Share us the facts, or are you just making the story sound good.

Message 17 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

@tommytank wrote:


It's now just easier if I just chuck whatever I was going to sell in the bin.


I believe that AML only occurs at a certain $ threshold, so eBay are falsely asking for too much details when they don't have to in many cases.

eBay have also been pushing out the casual sellers for years, pretty much only wanting the commercial vendors.

Tuesday is bin night,  start chucking.


Yes there are dollar thresholds, but Ebay don't know what you plan on selling.


So using your argument, you shouldnt have to provide you identity to a bank if you only plan on putting in $10.00,  but for the same reason they don't know if tomorrow you will be passing $10 million through that account.

Message 18 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

It never ceases to amaze me how many posts I've read where people say that members are leaving ebay in droves because of changes. I want proof of all these people leaving. If I have that proof then I can expand the categories I sell in and capitalise on where these people have left in droves. It's a win win for me!

Message 19 of 35
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Ebay want's ALL MY PERSONAL details!!!

It's the same deal on the other platform I sell on. Some people got annoyed when Etsy moved to MP a while ago and threatened to leave. There were definitely some people who followed through, but apparently their seller base is increasing by 300,000 EVERY MONTH, and everyone either moved to the MP system when it first happened, or, if you're a new seller, you sign up automatically under MP, so you don't know any different.

Message 20 of 35
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