Ebays policy violations

Wondering why Ebay never seems to follow up on the own policy violation rules....I sell fishing gear on Ebay i discribe my items factual ..Yet 80% of listers is this category are in violation of key word spamming and browser manipulation ,,Eg....$2.00 junk lure or soft plastic....Discription...fitted with owner or vmc hooks to suit Shimano, daiwa, penn.....to suit shimano , daiwa what????..or another one of there favs is ..like Jackall or like megabass lures...sorry to say but a $2.00 lure from china is nothing like a Jackall or Megbass lure....yet Ebay state if the names used in Discription are not by the manufacturer of the item being sold its misusing a brand name so why are they allowed to get away with this time after time....

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Re: Ebays policy violations

Ebay staff don't check listings - they rely on members to report listings.

Message 2 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

Yup been reported on numerous occasions , only conclusion i can come to is the offenders are Top rated sellers... so i imagine there above Ebays policy rules...

Message 3 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

I've noticed exactly the same thing. Report a sub 50 feedback member for keyword spamming and the listings are gone within hours, report a 500+ feedback member and the listings are never, and I mean NEVER removed or amended. As much as I don't buy into conspiracy theories it is extremely obvious that not all sellers are created equal in eBay's eyes. It's their playground of course and they are free to do as they wish within the appropriate legal confines but it doesn't sit well with me.


Same thing happens when you report a seller who is refusing Paypal, if it's a small fish then they are gone but with the bigger sellers it seems as though they think 7% of something is better than 7% + 2.4% of nothing, regardless of advertised policy.

Message 4 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

Top rated sellers do get protected,one of them has taken my money and ebay and paypal have done bloody nothing about it.

Message 5 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

That would be because you didn't open a dispute within the required timeframe. Which you were informed of when you paid. And eBay Australia don't do disputes. Paypal does.


Follow the rules, get the protection.


I'm not a TRS, but I have over 500 FB. Does that mean I can now get away with keyword spamming? I think not.

Message 6 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

Well today i reported the main offender yet again,he has over 2000 feedback and over 100 listnings  and yet again the listings are still there....

Message 7 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

I'm not a TRS, but I have over 500 FB. Does that mean I can now get away with keyword spamming? I think not.


Twas but a vague figure that I mentioned but nevertheless I have never, not once, seen one of my reports acted upon when it was directed at a seller with FB above this figure yet virtually every single report I've made against single and double FB sellers is acted upon almost immediately.


Now I'm no statistician but the odds of this randomly occurring over a sample size which by now must be in the 100's are so astronomically high as to be absurd. I'm not saying that high volume sellers never escape the wrath of the eBay policy police but my singular reports have not once been acted upon.

Message 8 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

I don't know where anyone gets the idea that TRS sellers are protected.  We are NOT, and I can say that from personal experience.  Starting in September last year I had numerous listings removed, 80+, was given so many policy violations that I ended up serving not one, not two, but three 3 day selling suspensions.  The policy violations ranged from duplicate listings (subsequently relisted foc), keyword spamming (mentioned the brand names of two dolls in titles and descriptions (had done so for 9 years previously) through to Direct Sales/Avoidance of ebay fees - because I had the words "contact me" in several of my listings.  So please stop saying TRS are protected:|

Message 9 of 27
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Re: Ebays policy violations

I have a suspicion that it has more to do with who is doing the reporting as opposed to who is being reported....

Message 10 of 27
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