on 05-05-2016 12:22 AM
Just wondering has there been any info released from ACCC in regards to the outrageous final postage fee that is making it difficult for small time sellers as myself...If some say stamps sell for like $0.99 postage of $2.00 because I need a large envelop it's actually costing me to put something on. I lose because it cost $1.50 to list it..all I got to say is **bleep**
on 05-05-2016 01:43 AM
Ebay's fees are nothing to do with the ACCC or anyone else except the shareholders. Fees have been charged on postage in the US and the UK for many years now. Don't you think that if anyone other than ebay had any ay in the matter it would have changed long ago? Nobody isforcing you to use ebay, if you don't like their fee stucture go elsewhere. Ebay is a business and they have to make money, if they did not charge the fees on postage they would have to charge them elsewhere either by charging for all listings, raising fvfs or coming up with some other scheme.
on 05-05-2016 07:16 AM
or....... they could not charge a fee anywhere else and make a little less profit..... just like they asked the sellers to do (ie
wear it or leave) when they introduced the fvf on postage... Most sellers are businesses... and they need to make money too
on 05-05-2016 08:51 AM
@rabbitreynolds wrote:Just wondering has there been any info released from ACCC in regards to the outrageous final postage fee that is making it difficult for small time sellers as myself...If some say stamps sell for like $0.99 postage of $2.00 because I need a large envelop it's actually costing me to put something on. I lose because it cost $1.50 to list it..all I got to say is **bleep**
Sorry, but I dont understand why you would start your items at 99 cents. As you have already identified if you sell something, it is actually costing you money. You would be much better off dropping the items in the bin, not paying ebay to sell them and spending your listing time doing something more worthwhile.
I just dont get it. If the items are only worth 99 cents they are not suitable products for ebay. You would be better taking them to a market, having a garage sale or donating them to charity. If they dont sell there either, you just need to accept that no-one wants them at any price and find something of value that people do want to buy and are willing to pay reasonable money for. When you do this you will find you have more flexability to manage ebays fees.
on 05-05-2016 09:48 AM
if you choose to begin your auctions at a price including delivery thats less than you will recieve if they sell without further bids beyond the first bid your insane.
unfortunately ebay is inundated with insane sellers who once they discover they are paying to get rid of their items start complaining.
better to stop complaining and work out a starting price that will give you a profit once the transactions complete.
on 05-05-2016 12:59 PM
Why would you advertise postage for $1 when ebay will take 10c of that?
Put your postage up!!
And if it costs you $1.50 for the auction, start higher, or put what price
you want for them and sell BIN
The fee for postage is not going away.
on 05-05-2016 01:11 PM
on 05-05-2016 03:26 PM
@rabbitreynolds wrote:Just wondering has there been any info released from ACCC in regards to the outrageous final postage fee that is making it difficult for small time sellers as myself...If some say stamps sell for like $0.99 postage of $2.00 because I need a large envelop it's actually costing me to put something on. I lose because it cost $1.50 to list it..all I got to say is **bleep**
First up, why are you paying $1.50 to list your items when the rest of us non store people get 40 free listings a month? Why would you pay $1.50 for a listing, then start an auction at 99c? That's just ridiculous and you are ripping yourself off blind.
Your next listing to end in 5 hours, you have a start bid of 99c, $5 postage and a $1.50 insertion fee. On top of the $1.50, eBay will take around 55c, then 30c from PayPal, plus their fee which will be around 15c. On a 99c sale with $5 postage, you are paying out $2.50. Given you don't get to keep the $5 for postage, you're paying out $2.50 from 99c.
You have over 1,200 feedback as a seller, majority of your items are selling for less than $3. You're not a charity, why are you choosing to lose so much money? EBay is making all the money, most of your buyers are probably resellers making money from your items, you are losing big time.
Start your auctions at the lowest price you're willing to accept and put your postage costs up. I have some of the Simpsons characters that you sold back in March for 99c with $5 postage. I can tell you right now, they would have cost more than $5 to post as they are more than 20mm thick. I also know for a fact they cost a bit more than 99c to buy.
It's all well and good to say that your stuff is selling, but at what cost to you? Would you buy a house for $100,000 then turn around in a months time and sell it for $15,000?
As for the ACCC, they were contacted when the postage fees first came into play 2 years ago. They said eBay was not doing anything wrong. They got a lot of complaints from eBay sellers, both small and large and they were all told the same thing. They are not breaking any rules. Immoral, yes, illegal, no.
on 05-05-2016 04:53 PM
like i said, ebay is inundated with insane sellers.
most eventually wake up
but they make the lives of genuine sellers very hard.
on 05-05-2016 04:59 PM
@rabbitreynolds wrote:Just wondering has there been any info released from ACCC in regards to the outrageous final postage fee
In a manner of speaking.
The ACCC made their complete lack of care / interest obvious back when eBay announced they were introducing the fee. Numerous eBay members wrote to them, and they all received the same reply - said reply can be easily summed up with the following smiley: