FURTHER TO "buy it now" ebay has it both ways.

Community Member

Contacted Res Centre re 'buy it now"(BIN).

1/ BIN with PayPal(PP) introduced to cover sellers from dodgy buyers.

2/ BIN without PP,buyer "may have their own reasons" as to why they do not pay immediately... and ....the buyer is misusing the BIN feature by doing so, does knowingly misusing the BIN mean dishonesty..yes.

3/ eBay advises all to inspect where possible before sale,so do I.

Decided to put my boat back on once more WITH PP.


Guess what, 3 offers and no dishonest manipulation of the BIN by ending the sale and blocking honest bidders/eBayers.


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Re: FURTHER TO "buy it now" ebay has it both ways.

I now feel like a complete failure, I haven't received a single slap although I could have sworn I was missing a couple of posts!

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 91 of 95
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Re: FURTHER TO "buy it now" ebay has it both ways.

Honored Contributor

That would not be surprising PJ.  There is quite a bit of anecdotal evidence of post removal without a slap being issued. It was first noticed a couple of weeks ago.:O

Stromper, the reason you have the wrong post number in the reply is that the Mods have removed a number of posts, thus altering the number of the following posts.  That is the reason that there is little point in referring to post numbers in a controversial thread...they change too often.

BTW, the posts ARE reported to the Mods, who remove them and send you a "slap" telling you why.  Haven't you ever wondered what the "Report Abuse" button does?

Message 92 of 95
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Re: FURTHER TO "buy it now" ebay has it both ways.

Community Member

that just gave me a brilliant idea. I'll invent slap padding sell it here and make a fortune

I need some... I woke up to two slaps this morning from the one thread!

sold!!! but remember to come over inspect then go away and BIN then come back and pick up


Message 93 of 95
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Re: FURTHER TO "buy it now" ebay has it both ways.

Community Member

Thanks lyndal,understood.Does that also mean that anyone that reads a comment can cruise in and report it,if they deem it necessary,also it could be someone that you are corresponding with? Anyway I just did a brick(a 7day slap!),did lots of them years ago. Done my time now and am ever so sweet, if I pass this way again I will say hello. Yours and regards, stromper-gd.

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Re: FURTHER TO "buy it now" ebay has it both ways.

Honored Contributor

I thought this thread was long dead and buried stromper.

Yes, posts can be reported by anyone and for the most part it it not done by the participants in a discussion.  It is usually done by someone who is just reading and not posting at all.

Many of the regular posters find that someone will take a dislike to them or disagree with what they post and just report everything they post.

It is very easy to find an "appropriate reason" to report anything...a mild disagreement becomes an interpersonal dispute and a chatty comment is off topic.:O

See you around.

Message 95 of 95
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