on 16-02-2013 04:19 PM
I know this has probably been asked hundreds of times and I did do a search for my answer but found a lot of chit chat, differences of opinions and nothing that really answered my question. Unless I'm a total imbecile and just don't understand anything when I read it, I can't understand whether I can or cannot. ?:| -- anyway...
A friend went to England a few months back and gifted us some t-shirts with famous logo pictures on them. The tag also states the famous logo name, but underneath it has a small tag that says 'Made in XXX' (an Asian country). Unfortunately we didn't have the heart to tell our friend that 1) the colours weren't very nice and 2) they are too big for us. But Bless his little cotton socks anyway....:-x
Not that it makes it right or it would change the fact..... but they look very well made.
All I'd like to know is, are they classified as complete fakes and / or counterfeits, and does that indeed mean I cannot sell them on eBay?
Thanks for you time.
on 16-02-2013 04:51 PM
They are copies as are many clothing lines, and I suggest you don't list them on ebay, despite the fact that there are thousands of non-genuine items listed and ebay will not act on reports:|
on 16-02-2013 05:02 PM
Thank you motherbear, that's all I needed to hear.
I just wanted to check first, before doing the wrong thing!
on 16-02-2013 05:41 PM
Are you absolutely positive they are non licenced products ?
Buying from UK doesn't ring alarm bells & the fact they're made in China etc also means nothing.
on 16-02-2013 05:49 PM
Hi they could well be the real thing.
My son wears alot of the popular "famous" logo brands including surf brands + etc and i know his are genuine as i brought them from the shop myself with some gift cards!!
I have just had a look and his tops are made from China.
Just because it says made in China doesnt mean it isnt genuine.:8}
on 16-02-2013 05:51 PM
Foxette... I'm not absolutely sure, nope.
They aren't made in China though, it's Thailand and they are 100% cotton.
What do you think?
on 16-02-2013 05:52 PM
Thats not always correct motherbear see my above post!
on 16-02-2013 05:54 PM
keep in mind a lot of brands are now part of the vero program so if you do list them, be careful of how you do it
on 16-02-2013 05:57 PM
Buying from UK doesn't ring alarm bells & the fact they're made in China etc also means nothing.
Well it should, just like here in Australia the markets and boot fairs are awash with counterfeit items.
Trading Standards and Customs & Excise do what they can but they get the things so cheap that having several thousand seized and destroyed plus a large fine is a drop in the ocean to what they can make.
Some of the 'best' fakes can be purchased in the markets in Turkey, many of them are actually better quality than the real items. I have tee shirts and sweatshirts I bought over there at least 15 years ago and they are still as good as new.
Bottom line is unless you can prove authenticity you shouldn't list them, although ebay do not act often act on reports from members with fakes but they will end a listing in a namo second if the rights owner is a VERO member.
on 16-02-2013 05:58 PM
Thailand, not China. Would that make a difference, I wonder?