Feedback shorthand?

Is there an unwritten shorthand code for buyers to leave feedback?  I am not talking about all those flowery symbol things you can grab off the web, I mean anagrams or acronyms that mean certain things. 


I recently received feedback in one of my shops on a clothing item, positive rating, with just DR in the comments.  I have been wracking my brain trying to work out what it could mean.  Anyone?  I'm going to feel really silly if it is an obvious one, lol.


Message 1 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

Take your pick from this site Penny...

Message 2 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

What's the other feedback like that they've left?  Is it different abbreviations or all the same?  Could be they pressed ENTER by mistake before they'd finished?  I've done that

Message 3 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

Thank clarry, nothing obvious in there, not too many positive matches though, now I'm even more confused. 


I guess if it really anoys me, which it obviously does or I would just ignore it and be grateful fo rthe positive, I could ask the buyer what they meant, but I don't want to tempt fate.


Message 4 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

I'm afraid curiosity would get the better of me Penny...I would have to ask what they meant.


There is nothing to worry about as they cannot change a positive to anything else and if they add an unflattering followup you can still have the last word.

Message 5 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

I've no idea either. Sometimes they are so smack yourself in the face obvious when someone tells you, but you can spend all day racking your brains trying to work it out. It took me AGES to work out what BM (or B&M) store meant! I gave myself a back hander when I worked it out because it was something so simple!


Sometimes they mean nothing. Some buyers just seem to like putting a string of random letters for whatever the reason. Or just a dot. If I get one of them, I'll give them feedback with just a dot or a random string of letters.


I've never worked out how people get the pictures and symbols in feedback though.

Message 6 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

I can forget about it for a while, but as soon as the feedback number goes up and I go off to see what the latest one says, there it is staring me in the face and taunting me again.  I may just stop looking, lol.


Message 7 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

My first thought would have been "Didn't receive", but even if so, that would be odd in all kinds of ways... 

Or "Don't rate" >? o.O


They could have just completed a doctorate and are writing that everywhere in pride... Smiley LOL  

Or, could just be a classic case of a (very short) button-mash cursory feedback comment. 

Message 8 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

On a more positive side... if the clothing item was a dress, it might mean "dress received".

Message 9 of 21
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Feedback shorthand?

I'd like to think it was "Definitely Recommended!"

Message 10 of 21
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