on โ16-09-2016 05:04 PM
as a seller, is it worth leaving Feedback of sorts to warn others that a buyer didn't pay ? I know it will show as a Positive (I miss the old days when they could get Neg's) but if worded correctly, at least if any one bothered to read, they would clearly see it is a Negative.....In the past on my seller accoun I have left EG: N E G A T I V E - NO CONTACT NO PAYMENT . Is this worth it or best just to lodge disput and move on?
on โ16-09-2016 05:09 PM
Lodge a dispute and issue the buyer with a strike and move on.
If a buyer knows the ropes they can get the comment removed and you will be in trouble....plus the buyer gets to keep the positive green dot.
on โ16-09-2016 05:10 PM
To leave POS feedback with a negative comment along the lines you describe is actually a policy violation.
This means that if the buyer should complain to ebay not only will the comment be removed (but the POS will stay) but you will be slapped with a policy vioaltion. Too many of those and you could find yourself with account restrictions.
So not worth the risk IMHO.
Just open/close an unpaid item case, the buyer gets a strike, and you move on.
Just make sure you have your auto-blocks in place to block buyers/bidders who have 2 or more strikes in the last 12-months, which is the most severe you can set up.
on โ16-09-2016 05:12 PM
Really? How would I be in trouble? (not doubting you, just curious as to why ? Also didn't know they could get it removed, that cr*p
on โ16-09-2016 05:14 PM
As Clarry has said....it is a policy violation. Too many of those and you may find your account restricted.
on โ16-09-2016 05:19 PM
The answer is no, it's not worth it.
It's not really a help to other sellers, they are not going to see it anyway unless someone has already bid or won one of their items.
If it is justice or some way of hitting back at the buyer you want, then lodge an unpaid item case against them as if they get a couple of those, they will suddenly find themselves blocked from bidding or buying from quite a few other sellers.
That's the best revenge-you'll inconvenience them.
on โ16-09-2016 05:33 PM
on โ16-09-2016 08:05 PM
Back in the 'good old days' when sellers could leave negs for buyers when sellers came to the boards asking if they should leave a neg for non payers the majority of experienced responders would advise against it. The main reasons were:
The buyer could then leave a retaliatory neg which could impact on a seller's ability to sell.
The seller often left an unprofessional comment which made them look bad.
It did nothing to warn other sellers as not many had the time or inclination to trawl through every bidder's feedback too see if they had justified negs.
Carp sellers used retaliatory negs to blackmail buyers who were silly enough to think a neg did a buying only account any harm into revising thus keeping their percentage artificially high.
It could not stop prospective customers from using last minute snipes or BIN.
The system in place now where you can go through the unpaid item dispute process, issue a strike and automatically block repeat offenders who can then leave you no feedback at all works much better.
โ16-09-2016 10:26 PM - edited โ16-09-2016 10:28 PM
Agreed you can't leave a positive feedback with a negative comment.
But you can leave whatever follow-up comment you like (except racist, abusive etc of course - there's a list).
Sticks out like a sore thumb in their feedback.
I find it useful as a seller to know if they have a history of non-payment.
Make sure you leave the initial feedback before the unpaid case closes, something like "thank you for shopping" or whatever - all true - then follow up with a non-paying bidder statement well after it's closed.
*Edited for clarity
on โ16-09-2016 10:32 PM
I prefer to strike, block and move on.
If others also did this the need for timewasting followup feedback wouldn't be needed.
Admittedly, I don't have a great need to publicly declare that I have been slighted. I can see how those that do might need the outlet you have suggested.