on โ18-02-2015 09:25 PM
I am sick of ebay changing thing..
my free relists are gone,
must use business policy on all accounts
NO Credits still for Australia post Creit for 10% off.
I am fumingmad
Sorry to rant
on โ22-02-2015 12:01 PM
As per their response to me it would appear ALL powersellers are Now Classed as business sellers regardless.
Thanks for contacting eBay about the auto relist option.
I've checked your account and found that you are already a Powerseller. This option to automatically relist an item up to 3 times is only available to casual sellers.
You can check this link below for more details about the auto-relist option. http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/sell/relist.html
Wish you all the best with your transactions in eBay.
Sincerely, Azabelle L. eBay Customer Support [THREAD ID:1-K3E0QX5]
They also have not bothered altering their automatic free lists advice to read excludes Powersellers
on โ22-02-2015 12:13 PM
So how is a Powerseller defined?
on โ22-02-2015 12:21 PM
on โ22-02-2015 12:58 PM
Well this id is a Powerseller, and until that last few days (whenever this change was brought in) I have had the auto relist feature available if I chose to take advantage of it.
CS need to get another script to read from - the current one seems to be telling porky's.
on โ22-02-2015 01:07 PM
Just did a test on my other id. 55 FB - so definitely not a Powerseller. No free relists there!!!
on โ22-02-2015 01:28 PM
My other ID has sold 9 items this year and has a feedback score of 128 since the ID was created in Sept 2012. So definitely not a Powerseller, but did not get the 3 free relists when making new listings on Friday.
on โ22-02-2015 03:27 PM
I sent an email to my mate this morning who opened the new account last November to ask him about his accounts. His main account has lost the free relists, but his other account that has 22 feedback and 32 sales still had it when he relisted a couple of unsolds on Thursday night. I just got another email while I was typing this message and he just listed a new item and the 3 free relist box was there. He thought for the time being he would move all his listings to the newer account, but even though it was linked up to his main account, he still has a listing limit of 30.
He uses the advanced listing tool to list. If someone is not sure which one they use, the advanced tool is where you create your listing on one page, then go onto a second page to submit the listing. You also have access to the page view counter in your listing. The Quick Lister is all done on one page with the submit button down the bottom and you can't put a page view counter on your listing. There is no second page to submit.
on โ22-02-2015 04:06 PM
I just used the advanced listing tool (2 pages) to list some items on my newer ID and there was no free relists button.
on โ22-02-2015 04:11 PM
I've always used the Advanced Listing Tool on both the PS and non PS id's. The feature was available on both - but gone now.
on โ22-02-2015 04:14 PM
@egglesdtp wrote:I just used the advanced listing tool (2 pages) to list some items on my newer ID and there was no free relists button.
Sounds like it's very hit and miss then! The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing in eBay land. I bet if you contacted eBay about your newer account there would be some watery reason why they have been removed from that.