Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

I have just finished a couple of disucssions with ebay support regarding funds from my sales being held for more than the 3 days their policy states.


I meet all their critereia for 3 day release; I use their lable printing so tracking info is ther immediately, delivery is conifrmed and visible through ebay, over 5 business days later funds are still on hold.


This happens with all my transactions I couldn't get an answer from ebay as to why. They kept talking in circles stating their policy back to me, which I pointed out ebay is not adhereing to!!


I eventually got a straight answer from support over the phone.




HOLY SH!t !!!


none of the funds releasing is done automically !!??? I'm beyond dumbfounded....


I really can't believe what they just told me. I suspect they're actually in breach of the law given they are not fulfilling their obligations to issue your money to you in the time frame they state, when the other party is fulfilling all of their obligations on the matter.


Is anyone else delaing with this ???  Surely it's not just me... 


I'm so **bleep** off ..

Message 1 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

@th3wardoctor wrote:

I'm trying to gauge how widespread the issue is.


I don't recall there being anyone who has said that their funds were automatically released in the 3 or 7 day timeframes, having met the criteria (that doesn't mean it doesn't happen, just that no one here has ever posted that it worked that way for them, to the best of my knowledge).


Plenty of people post the same thing you're experiencing, though, and a select few have pestered eBay / PayPal for earlier release. 

Message 11 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

In the past it has always been PayPal that has released funds after a threat of FSO.


However eBay change their business and site so often that it's quite possible they have recently become more involved in the release of held funds.


I still think contacting PayPal gains faster action.

image host
Message 12 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

@th3wardoctor wrote:

your point?

It's not my point, humbug73. I quoted the timeframe information from the eBay policy and the PayPal policy concerning pending payments, so these are eBay's and PayPal's points.


It seems (from a quick look at your sales history) that you've had 17 sales since 3rd July, and the item amounts add up to $770.

To quote from eBay's pending payments page:


You'll become an established seller after:

  • It's been more than 90 days since your first successful sale
  • You've had more than 25 transactions and $250 in sales

To clarify - as far as I can make out (and irrespective of what you were told on the phone by eBay CS), "first successful sale" clearly does NOT mean the first successful sale you ever made on eBay years ago. That's probably what is confusing you. eBay reckon the first successful sale as the one which kicked off the "more than 25 transactions and $250 in sales" in your recent activity. The 90-day period starts, therefore, from 3rd July (if I'm correct in saying that your first recent sale was on that date). You've met the "amount in sales" burden, but not yet the timeframe burden.


(I may be wrong re the "first successful sale" definition according to the Dictionary of eBay's Bots; however, it's borne out by the experience of others who have gone through similar travails.)


It's assumed (and anecdotally demonstrated) with those two points ("It's been more than 90 days..." and "you've had more than 25 transactions..." are not either/or, but connected by an invisible "and". That is, both conditions have to be fulfilled.


It's certainly tempting to think that your funds will be released "three days after confirmed delivery" (quoted from eBay's pending payments page), but then one needs to take into account PayPal's policy as well. PayPal state if you're a "new seller (whether on or off eBay)" or if your selling activity "may be considered unusual for your selling pattern", then your payments could be held by PayPal for up to 21 days. PayPal, like ebay, are not going to consider that you are an established seller, because your recent selling activity began in July. You are probably identified by PayPal as both a "new seller" and a seller who's receiving payments that "may be considered unusual for your selling pattern", unless you have been selling the Pop! figures recently on another platform and have built up your reputation as a seller with PayPal.


PayPal do say that they'll release the funds and that those funds "should" be available 7 days after the estimated delivery date. That still doesn't get you within the 3 day time period mentioned by eBay (if you can confirm delivery - and you've mentioned that you can and do confirm delivery by using a tracked postage method, eBay labels, etc.).


It's frustrating, but you will often find that eBay don't provide exactly what you may be led to expect eBay will provide - either through ambiguity in their policies, or failure to implement the policies. In this case, there are really two competing timeframes; PayPal says "7 days" from the latest estimated delivery date, and eBay says "3 days" from confirmed delivery date.


I don't doubt that processing funds for new sellers (eBay's definition thereof) will involve some manual processing and a longer timeframe than anticipated. eBay don't even act logically in cases where buyers want a change of mind return even when the seller's terms explicitly prohibit this, so it's no surprise that eBay don't act logically in terms of okaying pending funds.


You may be able to get your funds more quickly by making a complaint to the FOS (link:, or you may decide simply to ride out the remainder of the ninety days.


Whatever you decide to you, I encourage you not to ignore the advice from long-time highly experienced sellers on these boards, who give helpful information freely and generously. (I am not a seller; I'm a buyer. Whatever information and advice I post here is gleaned from observation, detailed examination of eBay's ever-shifting policies, and a fair amount of research... You can safely ignore whatever I post on that basis as I boldly admit that I don't sell on eBay.)


Good luck with all of your selling.

Message 13 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

@th3wardoctor wrote:

with all due respect, you don't know what your talking about.


I've sold over $800 worth of items in the past 2 months, and use ebay's label printing service so tracking number is provided by ebay immediately.


Now you don't get the 3 day service option if you've been a seller for less than 90 days. My first sale was over 2000 days ago (a number that ebay gave me themselve), so ebay themselves have told me over the phone that I should be getting my money within 3 days after confirmed delivery, which is not happeining because of what I stat in my op.


I'm not asking for people's advice as to why this is happening, I know why, and I've told you all why...I'm trying to gauge how widespread the issue is.



  • 7 days after your latest estimated delivery date when you manually upload tracking information ormark the item as posted in My eBay.
  • 21 days after your buyer pays if you don't upload tracking and you don't mark your item as sent in My eBay.

Dear Humbug,  the issue is very widespread on ebay, as it applies to all new sellers, who have not yet  satisfied ebay of their

honesty and reliability.  I see you have sold 17 items since 18th July.   18/7 - 27/8  does not equal 90 days, so ebay will continue to

treat you as a new seller for a while yet and your proceeds will continue to be held.  Keep going, you will get there.  By the way, if you take a break from selling and then resume, you may be treated as a new seller all over again.

Message 14 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

ok . that's enough. you all have difficulty reading clearly.


And since everyone is so thorough in examing my sales history perhaps you should look more closely. My first item was sold YEARS ago. That started the 90 day clock As I said EBAY themselves confirmed today my sales history spans over 2200 days not 90, that I'ver sold over a certain value, and I have a good rep as a seller, and my tracking info is there immediately... ding ding ding ... you win the 3 day on hold prize...


I repeat , the 90 days is over dim witts... look at the last piece of feedback in my "feedback as a seller" tab. 


I have no issue with waiting becuase I'm a new seller to ebay, but I DO qualify for the 3 day hold period. That is a fact my friends, so stop telling me that i have to wait longer . My issue is that aren't honouring this because they do it manually, and are taking to long to do them...again this is from ebay directly.



so pull your heads in and get your facts straight before you start posting. 


You know what they say..."never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience"


i'm outta here morons, happy compulsive posting   Smiley Frustrated



Message 15 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

@th3wardoctor wrote:

ok . that's enough. you all have difficulty reading clearly.





I tried to answer your question. Smiley Frustrated


You asked how widespread the issue is, and the only answer anyone here can provide is the truth in so far as we know it, which is *drumroll* 


It happens to everyone (who have experienced holds), exactly the same way you're experiencing. I literally know of no exceptions. Just do a forum search and you'll see several other threads from people complaining their funds weren't released even though they ticked all the boxes they were supposed to. 


I just want to add that, while it does seem to be the obvious thing to do to trust any and everything eBay customer service reps say, half the time they genuinely have no idea what they are talking about. It seems counter-intuitive, because they should be the ones who know, right? But a little more experience with them over time and you can see just how horribly wrong they can actually be, owing to various factors (including, but not limited to the fact that they A) have scripts they're not supposed to deviate from, B) often call up or reference non-applicable policies from other country's sites, and C) appear well trained to "resolve" the problem in the most vague and non-commital way possible). 


The reason members keep saying that your first sale 2000-whatever days ago doesn't count is because that was the policy when payment holds were first introduced. It didn't matter if the seller joined the same day they wanted to list an item, or their account was 10 years old with a good sales history from a year or so ago, the policy page literally and explicitly stated that it applied to anyone who was a new seller, or hadn't sold in a while (with "while" never being clarified). 


Since then, the policy page has been re-written and I can see it no longer says that bit about "haven't sold in a while", but it sounds to me like the practice is the same as it ever was, regardless. 



Message 16 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

I dont think OP is interested in knowing the answer, as they obviously believe that ebays mechanisms dont apply to them.

Does not seem to understand, that because you sold something years ago and now restart selling, you will be treated by ebay

as a new seller.  That goes for all of us, the OP included. 

It also appears that the  OP  does not understand, that it is not a real good idea to ask a question, only to get Narky if you dont

like the answer.

Message 17 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

You still don't get it.

When you start selling you need to make sure that your last sale isn't more than 90 days apart lol.

In your case it's 2000 days apart so you're a new seller even if you sold 2000 days ago seriously how don't you understand that?

There's no need for name calling unless you 're referring to yourself.

I've been around since PayPal and ebay started just like you have but I know what the policies are and you don't seem too.

If you're right and I'm wrong then good for you but I'm 100% correct in what I'm stating and I'm sure that within 21 days you'll get it also.

Message 18 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

@gutterpunkz05 wrote:

I dont think OP is interested in knowing the answer, as they obviously believe that ebays mechanisms dont apply to them.


I believe that their issue is that while they accept payment holds are in place, there are conditions that can (supposably) be met that will result in earlier release of funds - regardless of a seller's status as new or established. (i.e. Established sellers aren't subject to holds, so early release of funds can only apply in situations where the seller is "new" in eBay's eyes, anyway). 


What I'm trying to get across, though, is that regardless of eBay's lip service about early release of funds when tracking shows delivered etc, no seller I know of has ever actually had their funds released early, unless they pestered eBay / PayPal about it. 

Message 19 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

I excuse lack of information, unhappiness and outrage with funds being held, and an assumption that eBay's CS are correct...


However, there's no excuse for your gratuitous rudeness and name-calling.


Nihil ægrius quam disciplinam accipimus
Message 20 of 22
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