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Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

I usually receive the $1 offer for weekends but nothing this weekend ... did anyone else receive one or have they finished that ?
Wonโ€™t be using eBay anymore if they have stopped it !!!
Message 1 of 203
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202 REPLIES 202

Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

Report away. These are EBAY discussion forums, for people that wish to discuss issues or other things regarding EBAY. It's not a mental health hotline. There are plenty of pages that deal with mental health issues. As I belong to a number of them, would you like me to send you some links?


Everyone here has their own issues. Those issues are nothing to do with eBay discussion forums. We are all just faceless names on a screen. What goes on in someone's personal life has nothing to do with here. As I said, there are plenty of places where people can express those issues and ask for help if needed. This isn't one of those places. 


If someone is upset about something that has happened on eBay, by all means come here and vent away. Who doesn't love a good vent? Especially about eBay! It's a different matter when they start throwing personal issues into it (usually it's "I have an autistic kid" or "I'm on a disability pension" therefore I expect preferential treatment). Your personal issues are yours. They have nothing to do with buying or selling on eBay.

Message 111 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

Just a tip.....never admit to reporting anyone or anything.

Message 112 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

my god you are so cruel, you sit up there in your crystal castle and look down on everyone else don't you.

Message 113 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

How is Tippy looking down on anyone?

She is just stating facts....everyone has their own issues and the ebay boards are not the place to discuss personal problems.

Message 114 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@casbit33 wrote:

my god you are so cruel, you sit up there in your crystal castle and look down on everyone else don't you.

I think the salient point is that eBay promotions come and go and/or change their focus, so any seller who is relying on a certain promotion to last forever will always be sorry in the end when it finishes.


eBay will always be looking at their bottom line and trying to increase their income from sales and pass it on to their shareholders, unfortunately many of their decisions appear to have been counter-productive over the years that I've been a member.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 115 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@tiggywink92 wrote:

sorry but you are just cyber bullying.  You are nasty.  I dont know what problems this person has and ebay is nothing to you and me  but to them might be everything.  How do you know how they are feeling and your comment could trip them over the edge.  Just plain nasty:(  Ive reported this as noone should bully anyone!!!!

Good on you, plenty of us thinking this needs to be reported.

Message 116 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

Sorry, but in what universe does the term  PROMO  (IE: - Promotion), in any way indicate that something will be in anyway permanent or indefinite.   Yes it has been great while it lasted  (Thanks Ebay), yes I would love it to continue, but in reality I am grateful it lasted as long as it did.   Saved  Big Big Dollars on Fees. 

Anyone who was expecting it to last for ever, may as well go and look for pixies in the garden, or better still try growing a couple of veg

while they are there to compensate for their lost earnings.

Message 117 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

You have posted on the boards quite a few times over the years, and I recall you stating a very long time ago that you listed for other people, and those people received the proceeds of sales, after deducting FVFโ€™s, and you received nothing for your time. 


You are to be commended for your efforts on behalf of others.


But now that the $1 weekend promotion has ended, I cannot for the life of me see how your friends will be adversely affected from what was the norm for years. List>sell>pay FVF. 


Those weekends were a bonus for so many sellers, and I'll repeat the word, BONUS, but that's all it was.


There will be other promoโ€™s, so take advantage of them when they are offered. 


And don't forget, we're all in the same e-boat.



Message 118 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@casbit33 wrote:
[...] They are well below the poverty line - like me and cannot afford a store either. these people also have mental health problems. now i will have to tell them that i cannot list their items any more. one has spoken of suicide, and this could tip him over the edge. I will have to have a medical team and an ambulance on stand by when i tell them.  So i think i have a right to be disgruntled. You don't know other people's situation, but you certainly don't mind shooting them down.

Unfortunately, the reality is that eBay are a business and want to make money, and however their business model plays out in terms of small sellers, those issues won't affect eBay's corporate decisions, or the direction taken by eBay's Board of Directors, management team, executives...


That can sound hard. It can be devastating for small sellers. It has been devastating for sellers for years, as eBay's direction changed and some sellers found themselves booted off unceremoniously and given indefinite suspensions for things that are - frankly - ridiculous.


Every single time a policy change has come about which potentially or actually affected sellers negatively, there has been an outcry and a host of posts saying that this is the end of eBay and that it will make buyers leave in droves. This is probably why many long-time posters on the eBay Community Boards will regard such posts with scepticism. The sellers who remain are those who have somehow been able to roll with the punches. Some have changed product lines; some have instituted changes in the way they carry out their business on eBay; some have invested in building up their own web presence in addition to selling on eBay (to avoid all their eggs being in one basket).


The cold hard truth is that if you (and I mean "you" generically, as in any seller) rely entirely on eBay with policies and promotions and procedures as at a particular stage of eBay's existence, you are doing business in an unrealistic fashion. Things don't remain static, and further changes are coming. You have to be able to adapt! That means staying abreast of changes (always reading the Seller Updates and the ludicrously-named Health Reports, etc.) and being ready to change what you do if it's necessary.


Long-time eBayers know this and are pragmatic about it.


Then there's the issue of your discussing the mental health of those for whom you sell... There are several reasons why some long-time eBay members don't post a great many sympathising words of comfort when someone posts about being on a pension, being disabled, having mental health problems, being in poor health, etc. (It's got its own name, disheartening as that may seem - "pulling the disability card".)

  • Sometimes (not always, but sometimes) mention of such things has been posted by people wanting special consideration on the basis of their health or age or other situation - as buyers wanting freebies or extra things, as sellers excusing not posting, as eBay members posting on the boards to excuse certain behaviours or expectations, and so on;
  • Those posting about these issues may be doing so as though eBay must comply with their wants (and it would be lovely to see eBay truly caring about their members, but sadly that simply is not the case);
  • Those posting about these issues seem largely to do so in the apparent assumption that the long-time posters here don't have their own health/disability/financial issues (about which those long-time posters are largely silent) - but the truth is that there are many posters here who have serious problems that cause immense difficulties for them. (I am not going to name names; they have their right to privacy.) These posters feel that private issues should for the most part remain private, and that those issues don't have a bearing on eBay's policies, and shouldn't prevent them from somehow managing to adapt when eBay's policies or procedures or promotions change.
  • Sympathy on these eBay Community Boards may feel nice to receive. However, is that going to help with a policy change? (No.) I would tend to offer my own replies with a velvety soft syntax, but if my posts were only outpourings of "Oh no, that's so disgusting and horrible; how dare eBay behave like that; you have all my sympathy", my posts would be both long and useless. To survive on eBay, you honestly could do no better than to take in the advice and experience of the many long-time posters here, because they are survivors above all. They know that the start of survival on eBay is to know the policies back to front and inside out and upside down. Without that knowledge, you can't strategise. If the advice is given softly and sweetly, fine - but if it's given bluntly and without any sugar-coating, please take that too because the advice itself is what can save you.
  • If there is a way forward, you have a much higher chance of discovering it through these boards than through talking to eBay CS reps, especially low-ranking and poorly-informed eBay CS reps.

Please don't misinterpret this post. I'm sympathetic, but that butters no parsnips. eBay aren't going to reinstate a promotion on the basis of your wanting it or needing it - wouldn't it be lovely if things worked that way? (But they don't...) If there are solutions to help you, the people here really are the best resource you have.


Best of luck.

Message 119 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@shinebrightalways88 wrote:
This tippytoes #### must work for eBay lol ... get over it ... people ARE actually allowed to vent and express their own personal dissatisfaction and opinions ...

@missme, @khulu, @ramcycle, @tiggywink, @casbit


I am so glad you posted this.  Thing is, she is guilty of much much more.


One night, unbeknown to her, I messaged her from my other ID and she confessed to some serious misdeeds of the past.  Firstly, she was on the beach the day Harold Holt went missing!  Coincidence? I donโ€™t think so.  She has a lot of contact with Chinese people.  She will tell you it is because she buys items from China.  Donโ€™t believe that.  She helped the Chinese kidnap Holt.


But it doesnโ€™t stop there, she told my other ID that when she was โ€˜holidayingโ€™ in Cuba she met a man called Lee.  Short time later JFK gets shot by, wait for it, a guy called Lee. Ask her where she was when Kennedy got shot!


But wait, thereโ€™s more!  She was living in Canberra when the Petrovs were caught out, but she doesnโ€™t like to talk about that.


So, being an eBay spy on these boards is nothing out of the ordinary for agent tippy toes (which in Chinese is โ€œshe who walks without noiseโ€).  Did anyone notice that she hasnโ€™t posted these last few days?  Just happened to not post while the Chinese warships were visiting Sydney!  Then, once that have left she is back here wreaking havoc in an attempt to bring down our government.  Impossible you say?  Far from it.  Today itโ€™s the eBay forums, tomorrow she will infiltrate the National Press Club and attend the press lunches given when Scomo and Josh are guest speakers.  She will, of course, be in disguise.  My guess is that she dresses up as Tim who used to host late night telesales on TV but now works for a Canberra radio station.  Just watch and see if Tim has a set of steak knives with him next time.  I bet he doesnโ€™t, because โ€˜heโ€™ will be tippy in disguise!


Message 120 of 203
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