on โ21-04-2013 02:00 PM
I sold an item and buyer paid via paypal with an eCheque meaning no CC on file ok thats fine but then this buyer has gotten very heated as I sent a message and said once cleared I would post .
Well that is not good enough she sent me a message saying she has never had to wait before that paypal has always paid her sellers right away ,I said I think you are mistaken as nobody has the money at this pont .
Then I get another email saying she has rang paypal and paypal have told her she is an excellent buyer not 100 f/b yet for buying ..And that yes she has been paying with echeque and because she is so good the payments have been made straight away no waiting .But now she has told me paypal have just changed there policy and no longer pay straight out on eCheques but this buy they did.Mind you they not [and would not ]
So now I am getting threatended with neg feedback because I did not post as soon as she paid .
I think there needs to be a big notice atating that the money does not clear straight away ,I know on th message they send me there is but not sure about the buyers message are they told ???Or are some just alittle slow on the uptake ???.
on โ21-04-2013 02:13 PM
The buyers are told when they pay with an echeque sellers will post once payment is showing in their pp account.
Not sure of the exact wording but they are made aware it is not an instant payment to the seller.
on โ21-04-2013 02:13 PM
on โ21-04-2013 02:14 PM
Oh and keep all messages from the buyer.
If they leave a neg feedback then ebay can read the messages of threat and may remove the neg if it is left.
on โ21-04-2013 02:17 PM
I have only rarely had an echeque but Paypal does tell sellers very clearly not to send until payment has cleared. Sounds as if she is trying to confuse you in the hope that you would race to the post and put it in !! As for ringing Paypal and being told they clear her straight away as she is "so good" !!! No matter how many prompt and cleared payments a buyer has had something can always go wrong so PP are not going to clear a cheque before they have the money themselves. They have literally millions of customers so can you really believe that they give this one personal top service !!!
Threatening you with neg feedback is regarded by ebay as abusive and can and should be reported. It equates to playground bullying .
I do have a note on my sales saying that item will be posted "as soon as possible after payment has cleared" I sometimes get fewer stars on postage time but really do not care as I know I am doing the right thing.
on โ21-04-2013 02:54 PM
Yes, she telling porkies. ๐ There is absolutely no way PP would have told her that.
I say to buyers who pay with eCheque: "Thank you for your payment, your item will be posted as soon as I will receive a notice from PP that the money has been cleared and it is OK to send".
on โ21-04-2013 02:55 PM
They are talking a load of bovine excrement, Paypal only make instant payments if the sender has money in their account or a back up funding source and I would like to bet they never told her that load of hogwash.
Just wait until the payment clears then make sure you send with ironclad delivery, that means either click & send or an ordinary satchel/small parcel with signature required unless it will post as a letter then you can still use reg post.
If they leave you a neg ring ebay and tell them to view the messages as you obviously did nothing wrong and they in effect were trying to blackmail you into sending before you had the payment.
on โ21-04-2013 03:00 PM
Remember to add them to your bbl once you complete the transaction also.
on โ21-04-2013 03:01 PM
Hi XXXXX, many thanks for your purchase. As you would be most likely aware, an Echeque payment takes considerable time for Paypal to process, sometimes up to a week. But please be assured, as soon as I receive notification from Paypal that the payment has cleared (you & I will receive an email), your item will be posted that very day. Many thanks for your understanding and business. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you have any concerns...regards Paul
on โ21-04-2013 03:04 PM
Tell the buyer to come here with her concerns and see what she says.