High lost rates on Large Letters

Hi Guys

I use australia post large letter to send most of my items, but I found out there are about 2~3 letters lost in 100 items. As it's not trackable, I can not tell if the buyer lied.


I print out all the addresses, and matching the postcode and suburb, using stamps to show the postage, drop the letters in the red street box. 


For those claimed not received buyers, I confirm the address with them and double check with google maps, so all those addresses are valid.  All claims made  at least 2 weeks  after posted. I have not received any undelivered letter .


I am still new to ebay, I have no idea if this 2~3% lost rates reasonable or not.



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Re: High lost rates on Large Letters

I have posted somewhere around 500 large letters this year, all in the red street boxes

I had one returned to sender because the recipient had moved house and not updated address

And I had one 'lost' on a 6 week vacation before getting to the buyer


I'd be VERY concerned about a 2-3% loss rate, no way they're all lost. 

Message 11 of 13
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Re: High lost rates on Large Letters

Hi there,


I post a lot of letter rate (400/500 a week) and I find my rate is 1%.


I have noticed many are to apartment blocks and certain postcodes in Vic.


Intially my rate was like yours 2/3% but was advised by Aust Post not to put my company name on the return address. To use a stamp with the return address only. If you use a sticker then it looks as if the item is expensive.


Also as suggested by another I always ask them to check with their local Post Office. In WA esp I have found they are held for up to three weeks before being returned.


The idea suggested endorsing your feedback with


<UID>: Replacement sent for item reported lost in post <date>.


is an excellent one and will be doing so in future.


Hope that this is of help and you are not alone.


Kind regards to all.

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Re: High lost rates on Large Letters

The reasonable lost rate is 0%..... 2 or 3% should be considered a 'you've been scammed' rate, not a 'lost' rate.
The safest way to avoid any lost rates is to just get tracking, or record an article I.D. on $7.20 postage. There are too many dishonest people out there more than willing to take advantage when after receiving their item, they KNOW their package has not, and cannot be tracked.
It is extremely rare for items to actually get lost within Australia, and if they do not get returned to sender, it is more than likely a scam by the buyer to get something for free.
Odd how only untraceable items get 'lost' isn't it???
If their address is correct, and the letter hasn't been returned to sender, I'd consider the buyer a liar, and block them from future purchases. Personally, I'd rather not do that, so it is easier to just get tracking or an article ID at least.

There are a lot of honest people out there, but at the end of the day there are a lot of dishonest people out there too which you need to protect yourself against.
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