I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

Ebay will not acept me importing good from America i live in Australia and can get goods sent directly to buyers but it seems i need an American Adress to do this it seems redicoulous.The American post code is rejeced and free postage does not work either.

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Tom Anderson Fixed Blade Knife with Leather Sheath

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Message 1 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

Honored Contributor

If ebay is trying to force you into shipping via the GSP then there is no way Pitney Bowes will ship the knife that you are describing.


They refuse to ship any knife, even a butter knife, to Australia....and probably to most other countries as well.

Message 11 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

Ha i thought i had posters eyes glazing over on one of my recent posts, couple of beers and the words just flowed into one another. 

Message 12 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

Seems most people just want to chuck **bleep**e so wont bother asking a question again.
Message 13 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

We did mention maybe problems with the GSP and knives

Message 14 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

Have you even looked at the suggestions re your shipping methods and items?

By that I mean that the knife you are trying to list will not be shipped to Australia by the GSP which ebay tries to force sellers to use.

Message 15 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

now be honest, dont beat around the bush, say it like it is, speak the truth.....was it my afteshave that ruined your experience here?

Message 16 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

There are two considerations:  1.  The rules as to what Ebay will allow to be listed; (see Ebay Policy re Knives, there is a long list of the knives that are not allowed) and

2.  The laws as to items that are prohibited imports by Australian Customs and Border Control.  Knives and daggers are a restricted import and you may need police certification or written permission from the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.  Refer to govt. website. 



Message 17 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

Not all knives are restricted imports.....Australia Customs have a very specific list of what can and can not be imported.

Despite what Pitney Bowes thinks, kitchen knives and table knives are not restricted.

Message 18 of 19
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I can get products from America to resell on Australian ebay but when i try to do this Ebay will not

@superscanner4 wrote:

There are two considerations:  1.  The rules as to what Ebay will allow to be listed; (see Ebay Policy re Knives, there is a long list of the knives that are not allowed) and

2.  The laws as to items that are prohibited imports by Australian Customs and Border Control.  Knives and daggers are a restricted import and you may need police certification or written permission from the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.  Refer to govt. website. 



Neither of those considerations applies to Pitney Bowes' blanket ban on shipping knives. Please keep up.

Message 19 of 19
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