I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects etc

But have no idea what category best to adverise it in...can anyone help?


Many thanks



The Ship.5.jpg

Message 1 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

An interesting reply....do you mean because of potential damage during shipment?

Message 21 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

Now there's an idea...Thanks and thanks for the compliment

Message 22 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

Thank you PJ....a couple of great ideas...will read up on whats involved

Message 23 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

Yes, and the potential to be scammed when there's such a beautiful unique item involved.


Also, fees would be exorbitant. Depending on how much you want for it, might be worthwhile exploring other avenues, eg up-market auction houses. That is just an example as I have no knowledge of which ones, how or where etc, but I;\'m sure there would be other posters on here who would know.


Anyway, good luck with it. It's breathtakingly beautiful!

Message 24 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

As you probably know we oldies do it for the love of detail and time, both of which we have come to treasure.


He would appreciate having a son who shows as much interest in his work as you do

Message 25 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

Redders is female, Eugene but she obviously appreciates what her father does.

Message 26 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

Gosh now I'm red faced...and do apologise

Message 27 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

Isn't it strange how we categorise people...perhaps it's my age group that tends to do that so my sincere apologies Redders for assuming you were a male.....


You make it even more special




PS here's another shot of the ship

Message 28 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

I am sure Redders is not offended.

Just for the record, it takes a while to work out whether posters are male of female and most of us have put our feet in it at times.


Some of us have been around the boards for ages and know each other quite well.....and most of the regulars are on the wrong side of 50 with some of us in our 70s.

Message 29 of 35
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Re: I have made a large sculpture of a ship 1.2mts x 1mt made from recycled stuff like metal objects

@lyndal1838 wrote:

........................with some of us in our 70s.

Careful lyndal, I'm not quite there yet     rofl    original.gif      


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 30 of 35
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