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I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

Sadly, ebay has put on one too many hobbles on my ability to sell here and keep my sanity. As a seller of second hand and new clothing, I can only imagine the hassles ahead for the brave ones who stay. All the best to you.

I will be listing elsewhere, most of you who leave will probably do the same, I hope we have some success.

I'll keep my eye on things, if ebay recover their senses, I may be back, but I'm not holding my breath!


Message 1 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

@ms_aussie wrote:
I sincerely hope you make heaps of money because you're going to need it to cover eBay's 180 day guarantee policy. Just think about it - you sell an item - you get paid for that item - the buyer gets 180 days to get their money back. In reality anything you sell cannot be counted as a 'positive' sale until 180 days have passed. What business can operate on this basis? How can you buy new stock etc., etc., when you are not sure if the money you are spending on that stock is actually yours? That's the biggest problem I have with the new changes.

thats how i see it too..6 months has to pass before that payment is guaranteed to you..this will give bad buyers more time for a refund....very well said Smiley Wink

Message 11 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

I have never had a buyer use the current 45 day return policy to return anything. Not once. Yes I am sure it does happen from time to time, but it is available right now and people, for the most part, are not using it to their advantage. I don't think buyers are going to wake up november 1st and suddenly all decide to scam us. Like I said, maybe one or two, but for the most part I don't expect much to change. I am more upset about the proof of delivery thing than the 180 day returns. 


As for what other company works that way, it's easy to return anything to a kmart or target or whatever. I've returned items which broke 6 months later there. It's not much different really.


Look, I agree, it's stupid, it's unfair, and it's going to hurt little sellers while enabling scammers. But, I don't think it's going to destroy my business, maybe just give me another loss or two each month, tops. 

Message 12 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

Please send your detailed reasons for leaving to eBay ...... surely they'll get the message soon ??

So many disatisfied sellers and they seem to be leaving in drones ๐Ÿ˜ž   

I just hope they get the message through ......

Message 13 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

trust me they wont care..sad but true.

Message 14 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

The returns policy will hit some sellers hard and others not at all. I sell stuff that can be used for photography or fancy dress, so it really does set me up to be a free hire service. Just today I have had an individual who purchased some female armour, the buyer kept it for a week, and is now returning it because my "description was far too vague" - the description ran into hundreds of words, and there were 10 high quality photos of the item - obviously the person just used me as a free hire service, and to add insult to injury, ebay will put this as a defect against me, because it's a return - NICE!. So to the people that posted above that it's all "hysteria" let me tell you - IT'S NOT. For some sellers, it's a real issue - and ebay have just made it get worse. So I will be removing about one third of my most "at risk" listings. I will now only sell stuff like swords, axes, belts, buckles, cups, leather notebooks etc. - nothing which can be worn as costume.

Also, I had notice that overseas orders (because of postal issues) were 10 times more likely to result in bad ratings, feedback, claims etc., so, even though overseas orders were about 20% of my ebay trade, I have now made everything Australia only - I had to do this to protect my ratings. And again, this is because of the new system, which means you can't ignore and tolerate that kind of thing anymore.

I have a couple of other enterprises with new product lines, that have nothing to do with my current store's genre, so I would have to open a new seller ID - which is easy, BUT because it's so easy to lose your account these days, if one of these ventures has a bumpy start (and it only takes a handful of confused or dishonest buyers to sink you when you start out on a new ID these days) then I will become a "banned user" - and my main account will get shut down too - so even though I have great new ideas. etc., the new-policies-ebay-boat is so fragile that I dare not show any commercial initiative in any other areas.


Message 15 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

If the same buyer(s) keeps buying things from diffderent sellers and claim they are not received or not as described so they can get a refund and/or keep the item. how are they going to get away with that for very long? Paypal/ebay look into their past history.

Message 16 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

Well, Bye Bye everybody I  have cancelled all my listings and will continue with the local market which is busy especially this time of year.  At least buyers can decide if they want an item then and there and with no comeback !

I applied to QS twice , they have not responded yet to my application to join ! So for the time being i will continue at the market ,it may rain i may be getting out of bed too early but i can't handle the stress and postage cost etc etc and what if uncertainties of ebay . I feel "Buyer Guarantee" will give any potential scammer an excuse to lie.

All the best for those continuing i will watch with interest.

Message 17 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

If the same buyer(s) keeps buying things from diffderent sellers and claim they are not received or not as described so they can get a refund and/or keep the item. how are they going to get away with that for very long? Paypal/ebay look into their past history.


past history will show ebay / paypal are not at all reliable most times you get the felling that both ebay & pay pal just sides with buyers without even looking at anything. 

Message 18 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

@cwdseller871 wrote:



So how can we, as a community of sellers, agree on what the alternative selling platform should be? Should it be QS? If we all agree and start to deliver momentum in promoting QS then that will help with the eBay changes.


cwdseller871 - Nice to see some positive pro-active suggestions. Sorry to be the kill joy, but history shows as soon as a new platform becomes a serious opposition for ebay, they simply buy them out and shut them down. Everyone could move to QS, do the hard work building the brand and then when things really start to move, Carsales ( QS owner ) would be so fast in signing away the company and banking the cheque it would make lightning look slow. I know this sounds rather depressing, but it is unfortunately the reality. I do genuinly wish all sellers the best in exploring other options and hope you find something that works for you. Personally I cant see any easy answers and are looking forward to eventually having a life outside of internet selling. ( doing something else completely different )

Message 19 of 29
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Re: I'm outta here! Bye bye to all my lovely customers over both my ID's.

I think TradeMe NZ need some encouragement to come to Australia - just maybe buy out Quicksales.


I know we can trade on TradeMe, but U have to have a bank account in NZ & someone said to me the other day, U need an address there as well.

Message 20 of 29
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