Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

I have my buy it now items 'good till cancelled'. I understand there is an insertion fee. But, I do not have to pay this every month right> it is a one off fee till it sells. When I re-list the item then I have to pay another insertion fee, is that right?


Thank you everyone for helping me..

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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

Here's what I see:


Listings renew automatically every 30 days, based on the listing terms at that time, until all quantities sell or the listing ends. Each time a listing renews and when an item sells, you’ll be charged applicable fees.


Message 11 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

@erg-auto-electrical-wholesalers wrote:

I  have basic store package. and I am allowed 200 free listings.

But it can only be in 1 category>?


I have this one,

yet I must list them in one category?


Have a look at my store.

One thing that is definate.......You have 600 free listings under a basic store, not 200. See link to store packages below


As for wether you get charged when a listing rolls over. I have  two basic stores and one featured store. My GTC listings come off of my 600 free listings every time they roll over ( 30 days ) . If I have more than 600 listings on GTC I pay insertion fees at the regular rate for extra listings above 600. ( and yes I have tried it, running over the free allocation on the featured store for several years and paying the extra listing fees. )


If I list auctions in the collectables catagories they are free, ( but come off of my 600 free monthly allocation ). If I list auctions in general catagories I pay through the nose for the priveledge. ( often $3.50 per listing ).


This is what is happening now. Unless ebay has changed the goal posts again in the last few weeks regards the rules surrounding GTC listings, this is what I expect to happen next month. Each time a GTC listing rolls over at 30 days it will come off of your free allocation on a basic store.

Message 12 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

That wording sounds up-to-date and seems to reflect this week's changes.

Message 13 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

@pjh09 wrote:

My interpretation. From what she told me, sure the existing listings will use up a free listing or will be charged at the normal listing rate if all free listings for the current month are exhausted BUT ONCE THE RELIST HAPPENS (ONCE ONLY) THEN NO ADDITIONAL LISTING FEES ARE PAYABLE ON THAT ITEM UNTIL THE SELLER ENDS THE LISTING OR THE ITEM IS SOLD. Could this be correct? Good until cancelled meaning exactly that with no 30 day relist fee?





Therefore this statement ^^ cannot be true.   (Too good to be true tooSmiley Very Happy)


Using seller overview - I can see my recent listings with "good till cancelled" and they show "time left 29 days"

after which I expect they will be relisted and the appropriate fees charged. 

Message 14 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

@pjh09 wrote:

In respect of the new rules for GUC (good until cancelled) listings I contacted an Ebay representative last week trying to fathom what are the actual facts of what is proposed by Ebay.

The over-riding assumption on many threads is that the GIC listings are charged a fee (or one free listing) on EACH RE-LIST (EVERY 30 DAYS).

Now please read the conversation transcript:

Question (from myself): A couple of questions first. Under 'good until cancelled' upon re-listing, a free listing is used. Is that correct?

Answer (Ebay): No, Once you list the item and it is good till cancelled, it will used up the promo this month and the succeeding months will be free.

Question: So when all of the free listings are used up, are re-lists then charged at $1.65? Not so from what you have just said?

Answer (Ebay) When all the free listings will be used up, the next listing will be charge for $1.65 and relists will be free.

Question: This is all at odds with comments on the forums. Even now I am not sure of the rules. Could you possibly look at my listings and tell me what to expect if I leave them up? My first instinct was to end them all, but from what you are saying, maybe I should'nt.

Answer (Ebay): If you leave them up, you will not be charged if it relists.

Question: But my free listings are disappearing each time one is re-listed. What happens if more items re-list before the end of the month than the amount of my free listings balance?

Answer (Ebay): ***  With this new change, Once the item is relist, it will no longer take up the free listings.***

Question: Ok then so I have to analyse how many listings will re-list and when they have all re-listed once I can start putting new items up. Is that correct?


Answer(Ebay): Yes, that is correct!

My interpretation. From what she told me, sure the existing listings will use up a free listing or will be charged at the normal listing rate if all free listings for the current month are exhausted BUT ONCE THE RELIST HAPPENS (ONCE ONLY) THEN NO ADDITIONAL LISTING FEES ARE PAYABLE ON THAT ITEM UNTIL THE SELLER ENDS THE LISTING OR THE ITEM IS SOLD. Could this be correct? Good until cancelled meaning exactly that with no 30 day relist fee?


BUT IS THIS IN FACT TRUE? Or, have I been a victim of misinformation? Or is my interpretation incorrect? You know, wouldn't it be wonderful if an Ebay representative jumped on and laid out the facts, correctly?


IF this IS in fact true, and after reading much of many threads on this topic, I think there could be a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation in many comments which could be very costly for sellers. I have read where sellers are thinking about moving up to the next store level, at considerable expense, for the sole purpose of getting enough additional free listings to cover their items which they assume will be charged for re-listing every 30 days.


I suppose in the absence of knowledgable Ebay comment, I am as much up in the air as everybody else. BUT........just assume the above comments by the Ebay representative are true. Then all I have to do is:

1. check the remaining free listings balance for the month.
2. look how many listings will end before the end of the month.
3. end the quantity of listings that are in excess of the free listing balance
4. at the start of the new month, do the same analysis and use up the 40 free listings in the same way.
5. when my inventory is re-listed with GUC, I can then use free listings to re-list the items I ended previously
6. once I have relisted all inventory, I can then resume listing new items, as before the change


Sure it may take a couple of months ( I have just over 100 items listed), but when the initial pain is over all is good, until, of course, Ebay decides to change the goal posts again!!



I suspect a lot of the confusion is based around items that fall under the catagory of automatic relists as oposed to Good till cancelled and it could be this the CS rep was reffering too.


Automatic relists are the extra three or eight free relists that have been available to non store sellers who sell less than ebays secret annual selling limit. ( around $10K per annum ) These have been free and do not come off of the 40 monthly freebies allocation.


GTC listings are different. They are for 30 days duration only and DO come off of allocated listings at roll over for store owners. If you read ebays policies on GTC listings they are a bit vague on whether non business ( private 40 freebies per month ) sellers will be charged at roll over, using terms such as MAY be charged, but not clearly defining what, if any exemptions apply to non store holders. ( that I could find at least )


Maybe ebay have changed the rules so that non store, private sellers will not be charged for roll overs, but that would not make sense either as people would just use this facility instead of paying fees and opening a basic store. They could add 40 new listings each month and with a few sales still end up with a few hundred GTC listings rolling over free each month at the end of the year. I just cant see ebay doing that, especially as they are trying to get rid of stale, non selling and junky listings from the site.

Message 15 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

If you stop and think about it, the idea that ebay would allow non store holders to use up one of their 40 freebies on listing a GTC and then have free roll overs forever just doesnt make any sense. There would be no incentive to ever delete non selling items and in time the site would become swamped with an ever increasing pile of stale, junky, non performing listings. Its just not gonna happen !!!

Message 16 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

@erg-auto-electrical-wholesalers wrote:

I have my buy it now items 'good till cancelled'. I understand there is an insertion fee. But, I do not have to pay this every month right> it is a one off fee till it sells. When I re-list the item then I have to pay another insertion fee, is that right?


Thank you everyone for helping me..


Message 17 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

I know Smiley Surprised  but I enjoyed our discussion anyway

Message 18 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

@chameleon54 wrote:

If you stop and think about it, the idea that ebay would allow non store holders to use up one of their 40 freebies on listing a GTC and then have free roll overs forever just doesnt make any sense. There would be no incentive to ever delete non selling items and in time the site would become swamped with an ever increasing pile of stale, junky, non performing listings. Its just not gonna happen !!!

I know the thread is old, but the discussion is current / relevant, so...


I said this in the other thread, but if eBay are moving away from listing cycles, it might not be that far fetched for them to also move away from the billing cycle for listings - i.e., if they are going to go "full Amazon" on us (in the business model sense, rather than the warrior sense Smiley Very Happy ), where it is one fee to list (USD 99c over there), and one fee to sell*, they might switch from 40 free listings per billing cycle (30 days), to something like 40 free listings at any given time. eg List 40, sell (or end) 5 in a week, you've got 5 more slots to list for free, sell (or end) nothing and no free slots, regardless of how long your listings have been up. This would effectively reward those who have higher sell-through rates, and / or encourage people to change their listed stock from time to time. The 30-day billing cycle would just remain in place for store subscriptions, as would their free listing allocation (eg basic store would provide 600 free listings at any given time). 


Whatever their ultimate goal is, I think this puts bonus freebies in rather murky waters. I don't see an issue with standard freebies being GTC when listed, but I do with bonus freebies (that likely wouldn't otherwise have been put on the site) being GTC and automatically charged a fee at the end of the 30-day duration if still listed. Regardless of if they are determined for GTC to be the norm, I think promotional freebies should still have a max. 30 day duration. 





*Amazon (US - I'm not using the AU site because they don't currently offer the option to list without paying a monthly subscription fee, AFAIK) will actually charge 2 fees to sell in media categories. A referral fee (FVF) and a closing fee of $1.80 per item sold.  

Message 19 of 25
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Is 'Good Till Cancelled' only charged the 1 time insertion fee until it sells regardless of how long

@chameleon54 wrote:

@erg-auto-electrical-wholesalers wrote:

I have my buy it now items 'good till cancelled'. I understand there is an insertion fee. But, I do not have to pay this every month right> it is a one off fee till it sells. When I re-list the item then I have to pay another insertion fee, is that right?


Thank you everyone for helping me..


I wondered what you were doing. You are normally more careful than that. Especially as ERG probably found 3 years ago that access to this group was impossible.


Has gained 2 feedback as a buyer since his last attempt to login 2 years ago.......
Yet is still paying for a store......
2 years worth of store fees for absolutely nothing.....
At least 2 years anyway....
Message 20 of 25
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