on 25-10-2013 06:24 AM
Does anyone know if the 100 free listings is on this weekend. I've heard some have received 10,000 this week. I didn't get any last week and it's looking like I won't get any this week.
on 25-10-2013 07:37 AM
Hello, the 10,000 was for selected store holders, so if you don't own a store, don't feel too ripped off bout not receiving that offer.
As for the 100 free listings for this weekend?
They are usually released on a Friday morning, as yet, I have received no emails or other indications that I have ben offered any, so I'm afraid that I am of no help to you.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you though, maybe the ebay peeps just haven't gotten out of bed yet and issued the notifictions!
on 25-10-2013 08:59 AM
Yes i would be interested to know as well.
on 25-10-2013 09:47 AM
Please , please, pretty please E bay - for those of us who ddnt get the offer last weekend!!!!!
on 25-10-2013 01:36 PM
I didn't get anything about 10,000 free listings at all and I have a store....... Maybe its only for the maxed out store?
on 25-10-2013 06:23 PM
My store isn't maxed out (800 listings) and I got it. The 10,000, that is. Of which I'll use about 3%