on โ18-08-2014 11:29 PM
As a result of the generosity of ebay in providing not only free listings but also three free relistings (if you have remembered to tick the box), I have now got over 350 active listings - the most I have ever had. I still have a few of my 150 freebies left and so went into my Unsold listings and from the dropdown box, chose those which were 'not yet relisted', where I thought I would find the final few I could list. But to my consternation, there appeared to be items in there that I was sure were still listed. Trying to find these listings to check I wasn't going to double up, I found it was very hard to find a particular listing.
Is there any way you can search your own listings?
on โ18-08-2014 11:36 PM
All I can suggest is, put your search term in and then after the page has loaded, select the option to sort by Distance: nearest first. If yours are listed, they should be the first result. I just tried that with a couple of my listings and it worked.
on โ18-08-2014 11:44 PM
Ok thanks. But it seems a little crazy that there isn't a way of searching your own listings.What on earth do people who have 1000s do?
โ18-08-2014 11:57 PM - edited โ18-08-2014 11:57 PM
<<<<<<over there. On your post under your id. It says
View listings - how easy is that. You have 350 listings that I can see
โ19-08-2014 12:32 AM - edited โ19-08-2014 12:33 AM
The question was how to SEARCH your own listings.... (for a specific item)
on โ19-08-2014 12:43 AM
Go to 'view listings'.
Then type the specifics into the search bar of your own listings.
Didn't think I'd have to put that bit in
on โ19-08-2014 07:19 AM
Advanced search - fill in search parameters - down the end of the advanced seach - only show listings from seller.......XXX
โ19-08-2014 07:40 AM - edited โ19-08-2014 07:42 AM
on โ19-08-2014 07:50 AM
Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro have search functions that allow you to search your own listings.
If you go to Selling Manager, click on Active Listings you can use the search functions which provide a range of options including search by:
- Item Title
- Item Description
- Item Number
- Product Name
You can also view and search Sold and Unsold listings, though some search options are different ie. buyer email etc
In addition there are other view refinement menus that can assist including Status Category Period
on โ19-08-2014 09:25 AM
I also have a few problems in my non store account trying to sort out what has sold particularly when I have multiple quantaties of the same item. If you use the default settings in unsold items ( 60 day search ) the same listings can show several times. You can alter the search parameters to items unsold in last ten days and this can help at times. Its rare that I get up to 350 listings ( as you have ) on this account as most of my listings are auctions which usually have reasonable clearance rates. If I run high numbers I have trouble keeping up with packing when the extra sales are added to my normal stores.
The systems manager pro ( I think that is what its called ) that stores use is much easier when it comes to stock control which means they can manage thousands of listings more easily. This system is not available to non store holders. From the look of your listings would it be time to consider opening a basic store ?
The short answer to your question is that I do a stocktake every time I relist on my non store account, making sure I still have the item, which is set aside in storage with other currently relisted items.