Just a thought.

Community Member

I was just going through the feedback of some of the scammers that I've reported in the last month and


most of the buyers seem to be complaining non receipt but some are receiving small items like coins.


So I presume that's so tracking shows maybe,(it was happening before but only with the odd scammer).


The worrying sign seems to be that not a single one of them claimed to have started a dispute or mentioned


getting their money back,(so are they now not getting refunded or just being  "written off" by eBay).


Three out of the last five scammers reported still haven't been removed either,(I have no idea what has


happened to Trust & Safety as that's now become a regular occurence),stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif


With some of the reports they've even requested that I supply all the item numbers involved as they receive a


number of reports and it takes time to through them all,(a couple of click to bring up the scammers listings is


obviously to much hard work for them and having all the listings to start with makes it easier to see the scam).


Considering how many buyers have now been ripped off by scammers could ot be starting to have an impact


as they may vow to never buy again and then also tell others how they were ripped off and eBay has done


nothing to help them.Who knows.gif



Message 1 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

Maybe ebay are worryed that if scamming listings/sellers are removed then it will hurt there bottom line.
*we may be human, but we are still animals*
Message 2 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.



They are demonstrably very much on the side of the buyers. Even (especially) at the cost of sellers.


Witness their new proposal to offer buyers free returns. We all know who would foot the bill for that.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

@bakeandfry wrote:
Maybe ebay are worryed that if scamming listings/sellers are removed then it will hurt there bottom line.

Maybe "bake" but their crediblity is fast going down the plughole with T & S not giving a tinkers doing their job.............and haven't been for many years now as Taz and others can confirm.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 4 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

I would not be surprised if that is one reason ebay is quite happy to have big sellers coming on board and is making things harder for the smaller sellers.Maybe they see smaller sellers as riskier & more work.

Scammers have always been on ebay, it is just that in the past, there was nothing you could do about it.

These days with so many other businesses and sales sites online (and reliable), yes, ebay is going to face trouble if too many people perceive it as unreliable.


Lots of people who are fairly new to selling or buying on ebay just won't be bothered doing anything if it is only a few dollars at stake. Of course ebay profits when that happens.

But in the long term, it may come back to bite them.

Message 5 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

I don't think eBay care about 'small' sellers of 2nd hand items. In fact the more problems (like you mention), will hasten to achieve what I beilieve is eBay's ultimate goal -which is to have no auctions and only brand new items.

Message 6 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

@rocket2retro wrote:

I don't think eBay care about 'small' sellers of 2nd hand items. In fact the more problems (like you mention), will hasten to achieve what I beilieve is eBay's ultimate goal -which is to have no auctions and only brand new items.

The trouble with second hand items (from an ebay point of view) is that things are not clearly black and white. In the past it didn't affect Ebay directly (except by word of mouth/reputation) because if a buyer wasn't happy,it was basically tough luck.

 But now ebay has this money back guarantee etc so they've got people making claims & sometimes it must be pretty hard to decide with second hand items.


I'm sure all new items, instant payment etc would suit ebay a lot better in a lot of ways.

Message 7 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

@bakeandfry wrote:
Maybe ebay are worryed that if scamming listings/sellers are removed then it will hurt there bottom line.

But eBay don't profit in any way when scammers sell their item,(scammers generally build up their accounts


with cheap items until they no longer have the 21 day hold on their account)


So when they sell items they transfer that money straight away to another account and eBay/Paypal will


no get a cent.



As they have a negative impact on this site  I have no idea why they are not more pro active in removing


them,Who knows.gif



Message 8 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

It could be like big businesses.

I have heard they assess the risk factor of various products and how much they will be be up for in claims, approx, against what profit they will make or what it would cost to improve the item. If profit is coming out ahead of losses then they will go ahead, even if they know something will cause some deaths.


I see ebay as a bit like that. They could tighten up a lot on safety/scammers etc but it would be at a cost so they do basic maintenance only.probably relying on their money back guarantee to give customers the aura of safety.

Maybe the wage cost of emplying people to investigate too deeply into smaller scammers isn't (in their view) cost effective. I suppose it depends too on customers making their claims and I suspect a lot of people who are ripped off a couple of dollars here or there don't bother.

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Just a thought.

@springyzone wrote:


Maybe the wage cost of emplying people to investigate too deeply into smaller scammers isn't (in their view) cost effective. I suppose it depends too on customers making their claims and I suspect a lot of people who are ripped off a couple of dollars here or there don't bother.

That could be part of the problem where buyers don't think it's worth it or they simply don't know their option


in trying to bring the seller to book or get their money back.


I buy a number of lower priced items for "fun" and I know there could be problems with some of the items,(but I


know the avenues to take if things go wrong).


After checking the negative feedback that three of those seller have received in the last year,(over 3500


between them).


Most are for not receiving the items or not working and a number with one of those sellere,(items priced


from $1 to $20) state that the seller has dragged them past the 45 day mark,(so they still believe that the 45


days is the cut off mark).


So as they have been ripped off will they buy again,(that's a potential loss of 3000 plus buyers).


Multiply that by say a 1000 of these type of sellers with negative feeback from a 1000 buyers each and you


have a million disgruntled buyers that may not buy again from other sellers and/or tell others how they


have been ripped of on eBay.


Slow sales may be due to the number of buyers that have simply stopped buying on eBay as they have


been ripped off or have being told how others have been ripped off,Who knows.gif







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