Leaving - Ebay randomly holding funds

I've finally hit breaking point. 

As a small eBay seller, I'm tired of the new emerging patterns I see of eBay randomly holding funds after a sale.

With a 100% track record and 10 plus years of selling, I'm tired of being treated like trash.

I have also noticed a deterioration in how eBay supports its sellers and I know they are leaving in droves for other platforms.

So my advice. If you're already not looking at other platforms, I encourage you to. The grass is greener and you get more support from other companies. 

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Re: Leaving - Ebay randomly holding funds

Excellent advice.


Those sellers that are able to adapt to change will hope that many follow you.

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Re: Leaving - Ebay randomly holding funds

You appear to be an intermittent seller, so will be regularly seen as a new/infrequent seller, as such the policy for withholding funds will apply to you.

The fact you are not aware of this, leaves me with little confidence regarding your comments/knowledge on ebay members and other platforms.
Ebay support for sellers, has improved significantly,managed payments works fine, far less scam buyers and sellers.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, until you jump the fence and find out it is all weeds,

for mine, ebay has done a great job of weeding!  Probably why it is still number 1 Australian market place by a country mile.


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Re: Leaving - Ebay randomly holding funds

@brisbanecomputerdeals wrote:

I've finally hit breaking point. 

As a small eBay seller, I'm tired of the new emerging patterns I see of eBay randomly holding funds after a sale.

With a 100% track record and 10 plus years of selling, I'm tired of being treated like trash.

I have also noticed a deterioration in how eBay supports its sellers and I know they are leaving in droves for other platforms.

So my advice. If you're already not looking at other platforms, I encourage you to. The grass is greener and you get more support from other companies. 

It's not random,  if you dont sell for a while its done to protect others,  often accounts are hacked,  plus other reason s.


Can you please provide stats on who is leaving, how big the droves are as well,  it will help us formulate our future direction.

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Re: Leaving - Ebay randomly holding funds

Please supply evidence that sellers are leaving in droves. I'm certainly not going anywhere. The other so called platforms have way higher fees and way less traffic. If you wish to leave, go for it. Ebay certainly won't care. They don't even know you exist.


I can pretty much guarantee that we can check your account in 6 months time and you'll still be an active member. If you do decide to leave, no one is going to miss you. Regardless of how important you think you are.

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Re: Leaving - Ebay randomly holding funds

You obviously sell intermittently, with the results others have mentioned of your funds going on hold each time you have a big time gap between sales.


I am not a seller but from what I have heard from a couple of other businesses, ebay doesn't have the traffic it once did. Maybe that varies a lot according to what items are listed.


It's horses for courses really. For instance, once upon a time, I used to buy quite a few lots of children's clothing (if advertised as used but excellent condition etc) on here but now I would be more inclined to use marketplace.

For books out of print though, I'd probably head here or book sites as marketplace would not be likely to have any.


You're posting on the 'selling' messageboard though, to a group of people who are regulars and many of whom are sellers.  They already know how ebay works.

The best way to get your message across would be to talk to friends and workmates about it because so many newbies do come onto ebay without knowing about the hold on funds or reading the terms & conditions beforehand.

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