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Managed payments

Hello fellow ebayers, maybe I should say long suffering fellow Ebayers!!

Have a bit of a issue with this new system. Last week after being brow beaten and threatened by Ebay I established the required stuff for managed payments. I am old fashioned and I do not like anyone having access to my accounts aside from myself and the bank. But as often said in these pages if you don't like it then walk!! Anyway I decided to open a specific hobby account (all my sales are hobby disposals and not a business venture as such and I am an individual seller) and placed a $20 deposit in it to make sure it is up and ready. All good, I confirmed the ebay micro deposits and by last Friday the mighty Ebay Bot smiled and said all set and ready to roll.

Well a bunch of my sales ended Sunday night, a bit under $400 worth (hobby stuff) and this morning I get a message saying I do not have enough funds to cover the fees, some $43, and it will duly be extracted from my nominated account. This account only has $20 in it and was eagerly awaiting the proceeds from the sales less the $43 odd in fees??

Scratching my rapidly diminishing head of hair I went on search of what was going on. I have discovered that every one of my sales have landed in my paypal account as per the pre Managed payment system. I might add that paypal have extracted their fees as per normal.

No problem I thought I will just go into the ebay seller account page and make a one off payment out of paypal, seeing that is where the dosh is, and that's what I have done many times in the past. However the system now blocks me from making that payment.

Not sure what to do now? One question I have is how come buyers who pay with paypal have the payments go to paypal and not via the Ebay system as I understood it would or should?

Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated as I do not relish spending all day on the phone to Ebay operatives who rival their bots in stress inducing properties!!

Thanks folks


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Re: Managed payments


Were any of those payments from auctions listed (or with bids on) prior to signing up?


If so, that's why the payments went to Paypal.


Any further sales from items listed (or bid on) after you signed up will go through Managed Payments.


We found it a bit confusing when we first signed up (last August) as we had payments going to both for a short while, but now they all go through MP.


Not sure about the one-off payment part, maybe you'll have to transfer a bit more across to your new account to cover the fees.


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Re: Managed payments

Thanks Wide World. That explains a fair bit as the listings started prior to organising the MP stuff.

Not sure why I can't pay up  like I used though. I just wait until they start screaming blue murder. Owing $43 after two decades of 10 -12% off my sales will drive them loopy I bet.



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Re: Managed payments

It won't drive them loopy.


They will either -


Suspend your account, or

take the money from processed MP payments if they happen soon enough.

Message 4 of 7
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Re: Managed payments

link the bank account to your PayPal account and draw down enough to cover the fees.

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Re: Managed payments

Thanks k1ooo, am in the process of doing that, just can't figure out why I can no longer make my usual one time payment direct Paypal to ebay!

I can see other issues with this system, what happens when a sale is local pick up and the buyer pays cash. Probably not a problem with regular sellers but a casual seller may not have the funds in the MP linked account. Anyhow they should have anticipated this issue instead of the usual Ebay naughty seller messages.



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Re: Managed payments

self edited

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