on 16-11-2014 10:35 AM
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 17-11-2014 08:13 PM
on 17-11-2014 08:39 PM
Could you maybe answer him that it would breach Ebay's rules for you to do that? I mean it's hairy but would it work?
on 17-11-2014 08:49 PM
I had a buyer contact me last week saying they were interested in an item that was $15.99 with $8 postage. He asked if he could buy it now at $9 including postage!!!!!! I just replied saying he would need to elaborate on which item it was as I had a few things listed for that price. Thankfully, I never heard back. NO WAY would I have accepted that. If he did reply back I was just going to say that I would prefer for the auction to run its course. Some people really have a hide.
on 18-11-2014 12:11 AM
on 18-11-2014 12:43 AM
I'd block him if it was me. Sadly, we have to play it safe these days.
on 18-11-2014 01:25 AM
on 18-11-2014 08:07 AM
on 18-11-2014 08:35 AM
I know it used to be considered rude to make an offer if the option to do so was not on the the listing.
Not sure if it was against the rules per say, or if it is still that way, but I think it is a bit of a cheek.
I used to just reply and say I am away ATM so would prefer to let the auction run it's course.
on 18-11-2014 11:08 AM
on 21-11-2014 06:18 PM
@i-love-my-sheep wrote:I'd block him if it was me. Sadly, we have to play it safe these days.
Well sheepy, I wish now I'd taken your advice and blocked the ba$tard when I had the chance. He left me feedback for the 2 DVDs this morning and he absolutely destroyed my DSRs in the process. I can't believe he'd mark me down on postage time when he ordered them on the 18th and they were posted the same day, arriving today, just 3 days later. Even worse, I actually undercharged on postage - it cost me $5.40 with eBay's cut, and I only charged him $4.20, yet he marked me down on postage cost as well. 😞
All because he asked for a 20% discount on items which didn't have Best Offer listed, and I said no. Until today my DSRs were all 5s except for item description, which was 4.9 and now they are all 4.9s, with item description now 4.8. I'd complain to eBay but they couldn't give a toss, even though I can prove that his DSR scores were malicious, so all I could do was leave a follow-up to my feedback for him warning other sellers to be careful. In fact, I suggest that you add him to your BBL. If you want his ID, just check my feedback for others where I've named him.
I'm just about ready to throw in the towel as I'm sick of having to deal with scumsucking buyers who think of nobody but themselves. It's not as if this is the first time it's happened either. Only a couple of weeks ago another buyer scored my DSRs low despite next day postage and I was pretty upset about that. Now this mongrel has decided to ruin my reputation simply because I had the gall to refuse a discount.
I really wish I'd taken your advice and blocked him, but silly me decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Well never again. No more Mr Nice Guy. I won't be doing any bloody favours for anybody from now on, because as far as I'm concerned, most buyers are dodgy thieving scumbags who'll rob you blind given half a chance. This used to be enjoyable but it's no fun any more, so I'll be letting my listings run down and won't be putting up any more after this month. Between eBay and the buyers, they've completely ruined this place with their outrageous demands and their greed.