Multiple items in a listing

Hi Everyone,


I have listed before on ebay over the years but this time I have a collection of figurines I want to list.  They are all made by the same company but all are different and I want different prices for each.  I have seen listings where there is a drop down menu and the seller selects the one they want, the price relevant to that item appears and they can put it in their cart.

How do I do that?

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Re: Multiple items in a listing

You would probably get better results in searches by buyers if you list them separately.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 2 of 8
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Re: Multiple items in a listing

Honored Contributor

You say you've sold before, but have you signed up and been fully verified for Managed Payments?


Start getting paid on eBay | eBay


Registering as a seller | eBay


There's also a 30 day hold on your payments as a 'new or infrequent' seller.


Payments on hold | eBay

Message 3 of 8
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Re: Multiple items in a listing

As mentioned, if you haven't signed up for managed payments, you really should before selling again, otherwise you'll never get paid. Once that is up and running, you basically have unlimited free listings (I believe it's 250,000 a month), so I'd list them separately. It saves confusion and someone feeling like they are being ripped off because on the search page, it showed as $19.95, but when they click on the actual item they want, it says $29.99. Buyers have a habit of carrying on with listings like that. 

Message 4 of 8
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Re: Multiple items in a listing

I have never had trouble getting paid before with ebay, but last thing I sold was about 8 months ago so has it changed since then?

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Multiple items in a listing

I understand, thank you.  I will check to make sure I am with the managed payments system just in case it is a new(ish) thing since my last sale.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Multiple items in a listing

It came in nearly three years ago


You would def know if you signed up, as it an involved process , you need to make sure you have completed everything. or you will not be paid (including for the item you have already listed


As well as the 30 day hold on funds as your last feedback was more than a year ago, so eBay see you as a new seller

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Multiple items in a listing

Thanks all, I have sorted it out and yes I was verified, so must have come in before  my last listing sold a while ago.  I phoned ebay and they confirmed 🙂 so all good now.  Thanks again.

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