Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

I sold an item on another id, I am a powerseller on that idea(big deal you say) not such a big deal i know ๐Ÿ™‚


anyway, I buy all my items from australian wholesalers, as I have started a business and serious selling on ebay.  I do not buy items from shonky companies from overseas, who arent real wholesalers with quality control.  so to make this as short as possible, I sold a ankle bracelet to someone and they are now trying to claim, that the crystals on it, are not genuine swarovski crystals.  Like i said i deal with australian wholesalers, who I get to meet at fair trading shows etc, so we are serious about the companies we deal with and the products.  So this is the first complaint, in all of the items i have sold, being made with swarovski crystal.  First time I have heard this about our items.  buyer, accused us of deliberately lying, and selling fakes on purpose.  My jaw dropped as this is definitely not something we would do, not on purpose anyway. 


So I contact my wholesaler, and ask him to explain, with that exact item and he tells me, that this line of item, have all been made using swarovski crystal.  So I pass the email onto the buyer and ask her to send it back if she is not happy for a full refund etc. She has not even mentioned anything about agreeing to sending it back, only saying that she will get it checked out properly.  Also threatens that she will contact ebay and get our account suspended due to us selling this imitation and lying about it.  I told her to watch herself and the accusations, as I have now notified my wholesaler, ebay and will be taking further action towards her for her false accusations, with no proof.


what would you do, in this situation, this nutcase, has had problems with most transactions, a few negetives, to other sellers which seem bizarre to me, some neutrals and even some positives that are negetive positive comments. Some of the items she does seem happy with, but alot of them she isnt.


I cant believe, idiots such as this person, is allowed to trade on ebay. 


If you would like to know more info on the item number you can always message me in private , as i can assure you all, this is one for that special list of yours. 

I havent mentioned the item here, as most of you know that, most of the time, you can get alot of trouble, letting others on board know your selling id, so for this reason, i want to keep it as private as possible


thanks all

rant over

Message 1 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

So I pass the email onto the buyer and ask her to send it back if she is not happy for a full refund etc. She has not even mentioned anything about agreeing to sending it back, only saying that she will get it checked out properly.  Also threatens that she will contact ebay and get our account suspended due to us selling this imitation and lying about it.  I told her to watch herself and the accusations, as I have now notified my wholesaler, ebay and will be taking further action towards her for her false accusations, with no proof.

what would you do, in this situation, this nutcase,

Just to clarify,you have politely & professionally responded to the buyer ?


If the items are genuine then you there is no reason for you to offer refund unless you have in your Returns area that you will refund for CHANGE OF MIND.


If the buyer opens a Paypal dispute,she'd need a letter from a jeweller stating fake to send to Paypal.


If you're worried about neg feedback,there is a form that you can get filled out & sent back to ebay & neg would probably be removed if you can prove items are genuine.

Message 2 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

Well, in my opinion, yes as polite as i could be considering the email, she first sent me.  She also complained about how the item was sent,  , i charge 1.80 post, to keep post down as much as i can, due to complaints from buyers. I sent it in a envelope, these bracelets come packed with a cardboard backing, in a plastic package etc, and we also, tape, bamboo sticks in order to prevent bending etc.  The envelope was so flat, you could hardly tell there was anything in it.  so she complains that i sent it for 60c and not 1.80 as charged, i mentioned that the envelope cost me around 60c so that makes roughly, 1.20 and a small handling fee etc.  She received the bracelet in one piece.  I said to her, i didnt understand what her issue was, the bracelet was intact, no damage and then she complained about the quality and her doubt to them being authentic.


All I can say foxy, The way i responded to her and what i actually wanted to say to her are two different things lol.


I know about the form i can fill out and i will be doing that if need be.


Dont get me wrong, if these did turn out to be fake, and the fact that i have contacted my wholesaler and he told me they were genuine, i would be taking further actione towards the wholesaler, as we would not tolerate this sort of thing, as it is wrong both for us and our buyers.  But just the way she came across, attacking and insinuating, accusing us of deliberately lying and selling fakes.  


thanks again

Message 3 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

If the buyer leaves a neutral or neg, and you can prove your items are genuine, then download a Defamation Claim form, get it signed by a JP (my local chemist has signed two of these for me), and then email it to ebay with the supporting evidence:-)

Message 4 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

imo it sounds like the buyer is being  a pain in the neck  lol   i hope  you sort this out

Message 5 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

Dont get me wrong, if these did turn out to be fake, and the fact that i have contacted my wholesaler and he told me they were genuine

JMO but why don't you take one to a jewellers yourself?Just for peace of mind.

Message 6 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

Is Swarovski the brand of the crystals?

Or is Swarovski a type of cut or composition that is different to other good quality crystals

How do they differ from other very good quality crystals?

Is it possible for a jeweller to actually identify the brand of a crystal if they were asked for an appraisal?

Message 7 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

hello again, in all honesty, I am really not so sure about this bump, but according to my wholesaler, (and i dont know if they make tese themselves) but, the crystals used in the anklet, are suppose to be swarovski crystals, so the whole bracelet isnt from say the swarovski, website or shop, but the crystals are suppose to be swarvoski.  I believe you can even buy the crystals themselves in spotlight, so am not sure, how one can prove the authenticity, other than looking at the cut i suppose.

Message 8 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

further more, just to add to above message, swarovski crystals are cut in a specific way, and perfect angles i believe.

i have a attached a image to further explain what i mean.


Message 9 of 37
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Re: Nasty pain in the behind, buyer

Swarovski is a brand. Austrian founded company from a Czech man. Makers of fine crystal and jewellery.


They are high quality and collectable pieces often made in limited numbers.

To create crystal glass that lets light refract in a rainbow spectrum, Swarovski coats some of its products with special metallic chemical coatings. Aurora Borealis, or "AB", is one of the most popular coatings, and gives the surface a rainbow appearance.


I am wondering if buyers are thinking these are Swarovski made pieces rather than pieces made from Swarovski crystal.

image host
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