Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

Hello All


I've just received a neutral FB from a buyer for a cancelled transaction. When it was cancelled, before payment, I selected Buyer wants to cancel or problem with address. Can buyers leave FB for cancelled sales, with no payment?


This buyer is now on my special list. She seems to love leaving negs and neutrals. 


I cancelled the sale, as she was basically accusing me of trying to rip her off with the freight cost. I had asked her for her location, so I could work out the freight cost before she bought the item. She then bought it, before I had got back to her with the cost. I was not ripping her off at all, and was actually going to lose money on the freight. I had even included pics of the couriers freight estimate. It became pretty clear that she was more trouble than she was worth, and I was not going to be able to make her happy. I then told her it would be best if we cancelled the sale. 


Would you you bother responding to her FB. Can I get it removed?

Message 1 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

Yes the buyer can leave feedback from the minute they commit to buy even before they have paid.

Just as you can for the buyer.


I would not leave any comment against it just yet tho.

Since she has never received any item from you then ebay may remove it if you call them.

Just explain what you were trying to do for her. And that any feedback cannot be about the item.


What was the feedback comment she left?

Message 2 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

Honored Contributor

Don't respond.   Call ebay, they can read the messages between you

and can see it was unwarranted.



Message 3 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

if buyer chooses to hit the buy button without getting a price for delivery from the seller the buyer hasnt a leg to stand on, you'd have been in your rights to add the delivery cost to the invoice and when the complaint came, tell them thats the cost ebd of story. if the refused to pay hit them with a non payer dispute. not your fault the buyer is/was a dope. any feedback would be removed i believe as unwarrented.

Message 4 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction


@clarry100 wrote:

Yes the buyer can leave feedback from the minute they commit to buy even before they have paid.

Just as you can for the buyer.


I would not leave any comment against it just yet tho.

Since she has never received any item from you then ebay may remove it if you call them.

Just explain what you were trying to do for her. And that any feedback cannot be about the item.


What was the feedback comment she left?

FB left was - Refused to sell because my questions were apparently accusatory of her business

Message 5 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

that's the problem with cancelling transaction they can leave whatever comment they want. Had you gone through the unpaid item dispute they couldn't have left feedback.

Message 6 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

@harley_babes_hoard wrote:

that's the problem with cancelling transaction they can leave whatever comment they want

And eBay will remove it - as long as you ask.

Message 7 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

And eBay will remove it - as long as you ask.


Ebay may remove it if the buyer agreed to the cancellation but if they didn't then it will certainly stay. The buyer did not ask for a cancellation, they thought the delivery cost was too high but they only had two choices, pay or not pay. If they paid in full then they may leave feedback you wouldn't want but you would still make some money. If they didn't pay then you could have gone through the unpaid item dispute process and you would have lost no money and they could not have left feedback.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 8 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

@justajunk wrote:

@harley_babes_hoard wrote:

that's the problem with cancelling transaction they can leave whatever comment they want

And eBay will remove it - as long as you ask.

There is a policy against a buyer being able to leave feedback if the unpaid item dispute has been lodged and closed. not so with cancellations.

Message 9 of 14
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Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

no neutral there now...was it removed or is it under a different ID?
Message 10 of 14
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