Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

Hello All


I've just received a neutral FB from a buyer for a cancelled transaction. When it was cancelled, before payment, I selected Buyer wants to cancel or problem with address. Can buyers leave FB for cancelled sales, with no payment?


This buyer is now on my special list. She seems to love leaving negs and neutrals. 


I cancelled the sale, as she was basically accusing me of trying to rip her off with the freight cost. I had asked her for her location, so I could work out the freight cost before she bought the item. She then bought it, before I had got back to her with the cost. I was not ripping her off at all, and was actually going to lose money on the freight. I had even included pics of the couriers freight estimate. It became pretty clear that she was more trouble than she was worth, and I was not going to be able to make her happy. I then told her it would be best if we cancelled the sale. 


Would you you bother responding to her FB. Can I get it removed?

Message 1 of 14
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Re: Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

Good outcome.    It's been removed

Message 11 of 14
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Re: Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

Community Member

"I then told her it would be best if we cancelled the sale"

Did she agree to the cancellation, if so by all means follow up with eBay.

However if she didn't reply or said no, I would be very cautious about speaking to eBay, cancelling sales is a major NO NO unless its at the buyers request or there is an issue with the address. Do it for other reasons can get you a policy violation. A few of those will see your selling on eBay ended. I would be checking the address very carefully and if there is even the slightest issue with it use that as the reason for cancelling if asked.

Profanity is no substitute for wit.
Message 12 of 14
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Re: Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

FB has been removed ๐Ÿ™‚


I did initiate the cancellation, but she confirmed it at her end. Some days you just don't feel you should have to put up with difficult rude buyers. I'm sure I could have got her to pay, but it wouldn't have been worth the pain.

Message 13 of 14
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Re: Neutral FB - Cancelled transaction

@twyngwyn wrote:
no neutral there now...was it removed or is it under a different ID?

It has been removed ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 14 of 14
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