New part-time seller here!!!

Hi guys ! My name is Claudia and I'm new here. I just started an ebay part-time business while doing my studying in Australia.

By saying that, I would like to have some pieces of advice from all the experienced/ power seller out there of how did you guys start up your business in ebay, and become successful.

I'm having my problems right here. I'm just wondering why is that I have already done researches about how to resell on ebay.But still my postings have zero viewers. And they don't really sell.

P/S: researches as in looking up the "sold items/ completed items", analysed what's the demand in Australia's market. 

Hope someone will help here !!



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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

Hello Claudia and welcome ๐Ÿ™‚


Firstly, I think you are selling in a very saturated market, certainly one Iโ€™m pleased we are not selling in. Your descriptions need to be good and well thought. โ€˜Sizzle the Sausageโ€™ in other words convince the buyer why they should buy the item. Price of course is paramount. Whatโ€™s in it for them. Get used to the fact that buyers here want Rolls Royce products at Mini Minor prices. Pics too are very important and I do think yours could be much improved. They lack colour and contrast and you could be using better props. The item must look perfect and jump up off the page. Itโ€™s your biggest drawcard. You need to spend time and get it right.


These are just my very quick observations.more experienced sellers will bevalong shortly with their suggestions. Be prepared for the critique though. But take note, it will be valuable to you.


i wish you well.



Message 2 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

Clothing is difficult to sell as there are so many listings for buyers to choose from. A suggestion that I would make is that you use all the letters you are allowed in your headings. Make people see your heading and say to themselves "I need that". Use words like 'absolutely gorgeous' or 'stunning'. Use an online thesaurus to make people want to click.


You will also need to tart up your descriptions, and a few more pics won't go astray. If you are going to sell a lot of clothing invest in a dummy to show the clothing on, or maybe a nice looking friend to show second hand clothing off. Selling is all about making people feel better, tweaking their emotions, not just supplying them with a necessity. 


Clothing is difficult as I said, but if you can sell it well you should be able to sell anything.

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 3 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!


Clothing is a tough market but then it is also one of the most popular as you are required to wear it by law. So just view sold listings and work out what type of listings appeal to buyers and then make the necessary changes to your listings.


You could try including the postage cost into the item price and offer free postage with an express post option which can help with getting listings higher in the search result. 




Message 4 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

You should probably put sizes in the title of your listings. People are lazy and won't click on things just to find simple information like that.
Message 5 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

@eol-products wrote:


Clothing is [...] one of the most popular as you are required to wear it by law. 


Nudie Run   Flasher


Very true.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

Hi Claudia and Welcome to the forums. Photos are your first and only real chance of grabbing buyers attention. The clothes really need to "POP " . This means colour contrast and showing off the clothes shape & style. The Laura ashley skirt worn by your model looks much more attractive then just lying them flat on the bed etc. or hanging them against the pale wall. As others have mentioned a manequin is better than nothing for showing shape.


 If you dont have a good background to photograph your clothes against, a  simple trick is to go to a sewing centre and buy a couple of metres of different coloured fabrics. If you must photograph your clothes lying flat on the bed, you can contrast the background fabic colour to the clothes to get a much bolder image. The fabrics can also be strung along a wall or even hung from ther clothes line to give a background contrast when a model is used.


My school aged daughter sells clothes on another site instead of working a weekend job. She models them herself on our porch / deck area where we have a nice, large  green standard fig in a pot. She often just gets the green leaves in the edge of the photograph, along with the yellow cream coloured weather boards of the house. This breaks the photo up and provides more interest and style than just a blank, pale wall.


If photographing clothes inside, she uses the fabric backgrounds mentioned and a proffesional photographers light with adjustable intensity to give a soft glow, rather than harsh lighting. The light was purchased from an op shop for $20.00


When starting out I returned all profits from my ebay sales back into purchaseing more stock. If you can get your stock / listing numbers up it gives potential buyers more items to look at when they visit your ID and more potential sales. A wide range of stock also looks more proffesional and you may build up a band of followers / repeat buyers this way.


FEEDBACK - you only have a feedback score of ten at the moment. You may meet some buyer resistance until you can get your numbers up at least to 30 or 40. After that it wont matter much. The quickest way to do this is to buy a few cheap things you need around the house, particularly from Chinese sellers, as they regularly leave feedback. All the best with the new venture.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

Picture 26219.jpg


The light the daughter uses with red fabric background. And yes I need the light to get this photo to "POP'......Smiley Very Happy

Message 8 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

What a bargain with that light. Wow!! They sell new for $400 to $500. Good on you ๐Ÿ™‚



Message 9 of 12
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Re: New part-time seller here!!!

We have a great op shop here. Its situated in a warehouse in the industrial area of town and very cheap with their prices. This is where the daughter finds most of the clothes she sells.


I need to build a shed soon and a week ago found a high quality, British made  theodalite ( surveyers level ) there for $25.00. They get all sorts of interesting things come and go..

Message 10 of 12
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