on โ27-07-2013 10:11 PM
Just wondering about your opinions, what is the etiquette for lodging a non-payment case? Should I nag the buyer a few times first or just lodge it? I can see in their feedback score, that 5 out of the 12 comments are negative (though of course have positive rating because of the rules), saying this buyer asked to have the item sent overseas and never heard back again. This is exactly what seems to be happening to me now. Given their history, should I just go ahead a lodge it, or politely ask for the money with a specific deadline?
on โ27-07-2013 10:28 PM
ebay send them a reminder on day 2, so if it has been over the 4 days ebay allow, just lodge it, then in 4 days time close it if they dont pay.
on โ28-07-2013 05:23 PM
My take on a non payer is usually -
Ebay send an automatic reminder 2 days after purchase.
An unpaid item case can be opened 4 days after sale date.
I usually send a message at 5 days asking if there is a problem with payment.
If no response, I open an Unpaid Item Case and that can sometimes spur a response or payment. If not, I close the case as soon as I can, 4 days after it's opened. Final fees are returned, buyer gets a strike, I add them to my Block Bidders List and re-list the item.
on โ28-07-2013 09:13 PM
Ebay auto reminder on day 2. Day 3 send invoice with tactful enquiry asking for details of their payemnt as I cannot trace it. Day 4 open unpaid item dispute.
You can allow them longer if you wish but in my many years of selling I have found that if they are going to pay it is at the very latest when you open a dispute so waiting achieves nthing more than extending the time before you can SCO or relist.
There is no etiquette involved, it is a business transaction!
on โ29-07-2013 09:55 AM
Whats the ebay auto reminder because I did miss an item I had bought and did't pay for I think 4 days until I realised but I didn't get any kind of reminder.
on โ29-07-2013 11:55 AM
@belindabargainhunter wrote:Whats the ebay auto reminder because I did miss an item I had bought and did't pay for I think 4 days until I realised but I didn't get any kind of reminder.
The payment reminder is the one auto-email that a seller can switch off, so you may not always get one (I've switched them off - my take on it is that a buyer generally knows if they've bought and need to pay for something, I allow 7 days for payment so eBay hassling them after 2 seems out of line, and if I want to contact the buyer about payment, I would rather try to open a direct line of communication, which I do around day 5 or 6. If no response, then I open the UPI case).
on โ02-08-2013 06:19 PM
This usually works for me and doesn't make you out to be the bad guy:
1st Message:
Hi "insert their name", could you please provide an update re payment for this item. Best regards ."insert your name"
If no response after a few days: 2nd Message
Hi "insert their name" , I haven't heard back from you so unfortunately I'll have to shortly open an Unpaid Item case to recover the fees which Ebay charge me when an item sells. I'm sure its just an oversight so there is no hard feelings from this end of the transaction. On the down side, the case will remain with you for 12 months and some sellers will block buyers with Unpaid Item cases. Its usually an automatic thing they do in their listing settings so if it does become a problem just send the seller a message asking them to exempt you from the block. If there's a good reason then most will help you out. Best regards "insert your name"
It gets the message through in a neutral way and works for me 4 out of 5 times
on โ02-08-2013 08:51 PM
I do the same as kopenhagen 5 and agree with all they have said. My reminder is a new invoice and a polite "payment is due and would be appreciated - if there is a problem please let me know" No response after 24 hours and I leave it to Ebay.