on 20-06-2016 10:36 AM
Can I ask please, I have a customer who has purchased TWO items from me that were via auction and ended a few days apart. I communicated and buyer replied at the end of the first auction that I would wait for payment on the first item till the 2nd auction was finished, so if in the case she was successsfull on both I could then isssue invoice for both items and combine postage for her, which she agreed to do. Fast forward to now, neither items have been paid for, no contact to my messages and although I have been sucesfull in lodging dispute with Ebay for 1st item, i can't seem to be able to do so on the 2nd item? Is there just not been enough time or can only one item be lodged at any one time? I have a second chance option which I would like to offer, so how long do I have to wait to be able to do this? Any advise appreciated. Thank you
on 20-06-2016 10:52 AM
How long has it been since 2nd auction ended?.....if under 4 days, it's too early to 'dispute'
on 20-06-2016 11:13 AM
The 2nd one finsished on the 10th June, with the fisrt being the 4th June......so plenty of time, but the option in drop down box isn't avaailble for the 2nd item to lodge dispute, but it was on the first item, but that dispute is just for the first item as far as I can tell
on 20-06-2016 11:16 AM