on โ15-08-2012 03:49 PM
Oh I got SO angry. I called Ebay every name under the sun. I cursed them, swore at them, and yes, I still think they are money grabbing low lifes.
There is nowhere on the internet, nowhere, that has the volume and traffic that Ebay does. And if I close my store, list my average 100-125 goods separately, do that every 7 or 10 days (tedious) and take into account all the other fees attached to auction style listings... guess what. It's actually marginally to keep the store running even with the fee hike.
I looked into other sites. No traffic going through any of them. I thought about my own website. Too labor intensive, and too expensive... far more than it costs on Ebay.
I will just work harder, rotate my listings more, freshen things up, have regular sales, keep adding new stock. I can make this work for me and dammit, I will. Ebay is NOT going to get the better of me.
Sleep on this people, sleep on it. I'm soldiering on.
Take THAT Ebay. I'm not going anywhere.
on โ20-08-2012 10:45 PM
it took them 3 hours, but they removed two of my threads and 9 posts. that's where the money goes. policing the forums.
on โ20-08-2012 11:04 PM
If they were the same as the ones that are left, it might be because of the element of repetition in them.
If you want to go, go. No need to advertise the fact on several (many) threads. Especially as nobody knows who you are, anyway.
on โ22-08-2012 10:27 AM
Hi kokomobua, sorry for the delay in replying.
We were with EZBuild but we weren't really happy with their support (and they were more expensive) so we're in the process of recreating our website with namecheap.com. they have built-in "website templates" so you don't have to be a computer wizz to build the site. Very easy and super cheap even when you include the domain name.
We use the Value deal and it has everything we need.
on โ22-08-2012 10:29 AM
We also advertise with Google and even when you combine the website hosting costs and the advertising, it is still way cheaper than ebay.
on โ22-08-2012 01:48 PM
I did the same thing when I heard of the increase but there is good in it all if you are a serious seller.
What will happen is the small time shop owners will disappear and the ones that stick with it will actually be able to start selling our items at the correct price instead of compeating with many many sellers.
These small hobby sellers have really cut the market price of certain items down over the years and it's time it was stopped and this may just do it.....I hope.
I won't be closing my shop...I'll be increasing it's size.
At the end of the day...ebay has a great traffic system....I have a wesbite as well that does not cost much to run at all but even with all the social marketing and email mail outs it only counts for 25% of my business...but still worth having.
Hang in there all you serious sellers...
on โ22-08-2012 11:56 PM
These small hobby sellers have really cut the market price of certain items down over the years and it's time it was stopped and this may just do it.....I hope.
Not for books. The big dropshippers are the ones selling for less than value.
on โ04-09-2012 12:29 PM
kokomobua you have mail. re query on your last post
thanks in advance