on 12-09-2012 04:48 PM
Hi..Just wondering if anyone else has been having trouble with orders going missing in the Post? I have had 15 missing orders since July and post around 100 articles per week so not a huge mailout...I have approach them (Australia Post) previously and because I sell Jewellery they are not interested in compensating...The jewellery is small items and not practical to Register but it is becoming costly for me to keep refunding or replacing orders for customers because of failed delivery...If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it...Thanks
on 12-09-2012 05:35 PM
I used to have about 1 item per six months go missing but since using Click and Send I haven't had any go missing
I guess that is the risk you take if you send your items by a untrackable method
I do not use any other method now
on 12-09-2012 05:49 PM
You are responsible for lost or damaged items so putting that you aren't in your TOS is a waste of time.
Do you post in the same post box or from the same post office? Just wonder if problem with AP staff.
on 12-09-2012 06:56 PM
Sz 7 Pretty Steel Ladies Ring with a Sparkling Clear CZ Solitaire Prong Setting
Sz 12- X1/2 Mens Stainless Steel Band with an Embedded Cross Design
These are NOT fine jewellery.
They are listed in the wrong category
on 12-09-2012 08:10 PM
I've posted Thousands of items, and only lost 2 or 3 in 12years..
guess posting bits of metal as letters willl always be a problem, quite likely the get caught in the letter sorting machines and get wrecked.
letters pass thru those machines at over 40km p hour speed so little chunks of metal will/ and do/ clog up the system.
on 12-09-2012 09:01 PM
and dont ring sizes use a letter code?
on 13-09-2012 10:57 AM
Sz 7 Pretty Steel Ladies Ring with a Sparkling Clear CZ Solitaire Prong Setting
Sz 12- X1/2 Mens Stainless Steel Band with an Embedded Cross Design
These are NOT fine jewellery.
They are listed in the wrong category
Thats what i love about the discussion boards, i come here as a buyer only to see what is happening and going on, and to pass a little time every now and then. But lately i have noticed that anyone that posts anything on here is at risk of being critisized or ripped to shreds by the same people all of the time.
The OP started a post talking about missing items through AP and now they are being chastized because they apparently havent got their listings in the right catagory. Where in the original post was there any mention of what catagory to list their items, and does mentioning it shed any light on missing items through Australia Post.
I would not be suprised if the same group of people who do this all the time and comment on almost every post, actually scare people away from joining in on the boards, or sharing important information or asking important questions.
on 13-09-2012 11:10 AM
sagenarre I have had a few missing parcels over the past few months and all were sent via click and send with tracking (and one with sig requirement !!) so I have also explored my options for posting and decided to move an alternative arrangement with Aust Post.
Not sure for smaller items, if sent in envelope?? but given you post the volume you do, my suggestion is to contact Aust Post directly to see what options they are able to suggest.
on 13-09-2012 11:35 AM
sagenarre, how you pack your items?
Your jewellery looks small enough to be sent as large letters (2cm thickness) safely. But if you are using ordinary small envelopes they mixed up with small letters which only supposed to be 5mm.
If you are using padded bags it shouldn't be a problem with sorting machine because it's obviously not small letter.
I haven't got any missing items in last few months. There were some early this year but only a few. I got more delayed mails more than missing ones. But it's pretty good recently. Most of my items go as large letters too.
on 13-09-2012 12:13 PM
You are responsible for lost or damaged items so putting that you aren't in your TOS is a waste of time.
Do you post in the same post box or from the same post office? Just wonder if problem with AP staff.
The seller may end up paying for it but Australia Post are responsible for delivering mail.
I am still of the opinion that putting a statement that your aren't in your TOS is legit and if it is a condition of sale then that is what it is. It forms part of the contract with the buyer like any other conditions. I do not do this though.