Are people still having trouble with Promotions? When I create a new sale and add listings to it most of them get SKIPPED. What's happening? I reported this to ebay before, useless as usuall as they told me it's a technical problem being looked into by developers. This was over two months ago. What's wrong with these people??


What do others do? How do you create functional sales at the moment? Markdown manager no longer allows creation of new listings.

Message 1 of 20
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Yes - seems to be ongoing. I promoted a markdown through promotions on several listings and  only one third where created in the sale whilst the others said skipped as you mentioned. 


Most frustrating and not really acceptable when we are trying to promote sales through discounting. 

Message 2 of 20
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I have asked eBay, which the conversation as below:


03:05:57 UTC me: can you please help me about the skipped price of my promotion listings ?

03:07:07 UTC eBay: I would like to inform you that the skipped price means recently you have revised your item.

03:07:33 UTC me: I did some. but not all. Why ?

03:08:29 UTC eBay: Yes The item which you have revised then they cannot reflect under the promoted listings.

03:09:00 UTC me: ok, so why cannot ?

03:11:29 UTC eBay: Please be inform that the items should be 7 days older. If its a new listing/ you made any recent revision/ recently ended from the other sale.

03:14:03 UTC me: ok, thanks to inform me. but can you explain why the revised item cannot reflect immediately ? and have to wait 7 days later ?

03:15:29 UTC eBay: Please try to understand that it something related to the eBay policy and every seller's on eBay are following the policy.

03:16:49 UTC me: ok, where can I find the eBay policy related to this skipped price ?

03:27:33 UTC eBay: I would like to inform you that it something related to the internal policy of eBay.

03:30:26 UTC me: May I have a look the internal policy of eBay ?

03:32:43 UTC eBay: I am sorry we are not authorised to share it.

03:33:55 UTC eBay:

03:34:11 UTC me: hhmm, that's something hidden which is not fair to eBay user.

03:34:52 UTC eBay: I am really sorry for this . Please share your feedback the link which I have provided you above.

03:35:04 UTC eBay: This will help us to improve our service.

03:35:21 UTC eBay: I seek your patience and co-operation in this regard.

03:35:25 UTC eBay: Is there anything else may I assist you with?

03:38:29 UTC me: nope. as you cannot help me, and cannot explain why. so, that's it for today. thank you!

03:39:53 UTC eBay: It's been a pleasure to assist you and wish you all the success in future.

Message 3 of 20
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Same problem here.. Very frustrating.. Why do we have to wait seven days after a sale has ended to start another.. Why does Ebay even care? More sales for them as far as I see

Message 4 of 20
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I am in the UK.

Here is a guide to Promotions Rules that were sent to me in December 2017 by a VERY HELPFUL eBay rep.

Here are the rules for our Markdown Manager:

Rules and Guidelines for using the Markdown Manager.

-Most sales are processed within an hour.

-Items can be discounted 5% to 75%.

-Revising the item price or any shipping information in the Revise My Item page removes the item from a sale.

-There are minimum and maximum durations for price sales.
*A Fixed-Price sale can be 1 to 14 days. The minimum duration between sales is 14 days.

-If a listing is already on sale, you won't be able to add a new sale.

-Item must have been active for 14 calendar days.

-Items need to have a "rest period" of 14 days between two periods of being part of a sale.
*I.E. the items can't have been included into a previous sale event in the last 14 days before the beginning of the new sale

*Revising the price and/or postage and packaging T&C's will also prevent an item going into a Markdown sale

-If you have listings in multiple currencies and choose to discount by an amount (not a percentage), that discount is in the currency of the listings and won't be converted.

-Sales can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance, and eBay keeps sale information for up to 15 months after the end date.

-Your final discounted list price must be £0.99 or more for a sale to be applied.

-Items listed in the Mature Audiences categories won't be included in sales.

-The discount percentage icon will not appear on Fixed-Price Multi Variation (MSKU) or Multiple Variation items.
If you relist or sell a similar item, it should be relisted at the original price.

-Some third party listing tools are not compatible with Markdowns because they "refresh" the listing frequently (which goes against the "at least 14-days rest period" rule stated above)

-There are 2 workarounds for 3rd Party Listing Tools:

1. Setting up a sale event + markdown sale at least 14 days in advance AND using the “prevent further revision of the price” checkbox at set-up

2. Offer the discount as an unconditional “order discount” within Promotion Manager.

*The discount will only apply at checkout if the buyer is adding the item to their basket (it will not display a Was/Now price on Search Results and View Item Page)

Hope this information is helpful and as promised, I'll speak to you soon tommorow 3 o'clock.


Very Helpful eBay Rep
Message 5 of 20
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Recently im having troubles with setting up my promotions and having HUGE % of SKIPPED LISTINGS like 90% even 100% with some sales.After spending fair bit of time carefully picking one by one listing to come up with results that whole of that time was only wasted. It is extremely frustrating to come up empty-handed on the end and still don't understand why eBay has such non-sense policies like 7-day new listings,or 14 days cool down after end of sale etc. Aren't they commissioned from our sales? Where is their support when is needed? How are we suppose to grow our businesses with such policies in place? Restrictions,restrictions,restrictions everywhere... It's sickening. I mean what bad can come out of limitless sales,seriously?! More money for the sellers,thus more money for eBay.WIN-WIN

Message 6 of 20
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Perhaps, rather than constantly having everything on sale, eBay are trying to encourage people to have realistic prices to start with.


After all if you want to run constant sales, they are hardly sales, are they? They are your default prices.

Message 7 of 20
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This is Gold!  


Thank You so much 🙂

Message 8 of 20
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Same old story everywhere, pay more - get less.

Whatever reason ebay provide for these stupid resctriction are beside the point.

The point being ebay is not longer the only business in town, they now have compitition, taking this into account making ANY changes that restrict ebay seller from promoting and/or sales is absolute stupidity

Message 9 of 20
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Not applicable

Perhaps eBay could make mention of these rules. I had a special running, had I known I would have run the special longer. The problem with eBay or perhaps buyers is they mostly only purchase when a special is running. Of course you cant continually have 20% off but it seems its the only way things sell ie set a higher price and offer a special.  What would be nice if people paid what is a realistic price in the first place, but unfortunatley due to the cheap Chinese rubbish that floods eBay this isnt possible if you want sales.

Message 10 of 20
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