on 24-03-2016 01:58 PM
I have been contacted by a seller who is a little bit afraid to post for help on these boards.
They are a small time seller trying to supplement family income.
They sold an item that would have been a bit fragile to mail so thought the safest way would be to hand deliver as the address was in their local area.
So far as I can gather the sale did have a separate postage cost listed.
So they drove about 1.5 hours to hand deliver the item. Not really local.
Now the buyer has left a big red dot with the comment
"Payed for postage and they delivered it themselves feeling a bit ripped off...."
So they thought they were doing the right thing by hand delivering and got slammed.
I think there is very little that could be done about the NEG but what they want to know is some good words to respond to that NEG with.
I'm not that great with these kinda words.
Anyone have any good ideas?
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 24-03-2016 06:37 PM
That's quite a good point you are all making about asking the buyer first.
I don't know if/not that was done in this instance, but I do take the point tho.
on 24-03-2016 06:59 PM
Surely the seller would have asked could they deliver it first before they delivered it?
Any way what do all you people do when a door to door sales person comes to your home,do you go run and hide
because how dare they turn up before asking you first haha
24-03-2016 07:03 PM - edited 24-03-2016 07:04 PM
on 24-03-2016 07:08 PM
I get plenty of knockers and politely send them on their way lol
after I tell them if I wanted it I would have bought it without their help.
on 24-03-2016 07:16 PM
i have a sign, no door knockers and no religous peddlers. seems to work.
on 24-03-2016 08:37 PM
what would have happened if seller turned up, buyer wasn't home and there was no safe drop?
i did trhis once when i first started, if ever I was to do it again, I would ask first.
Some buyers dont want sellers at their door just the same as some sellers dont want buyers at their door.
As far as response to feedback, just a simple apology. it will be seen as an innocent mistake. Trying to be clever about it would make seller look like they dont care about buyers rights
on 24-03-2016 08:57 PM
I hand deliver to local buyers.
In the letterbox. I only doorknock if there is a car in the driveway.
I also refund the postage. Never had a complaint yet.
on 24-03-2016 09:03 PM
i dont want buyers comming to my house and i dont want sellers comming to my house either. not everyone wants to meet new 'interesting' people.
on 24-03-2016 09:51 PM
I'll bet you're sorry you asked. Well, I'll bet your friend is.
on 24-03-2016 09:51 PM
If they'd pt it in an addressed box & worn an Australia Post uniform there would have been no problem!