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Question on Response to a Feedback Comment

I have been contacted by a seller who is a little bit afraid to post for help on these boards.
They are a small time seller trying to supplement family income.


They sold an item that would have been a bit fragile to mail so thought the safest way would be to hand deliver as the address was in their local area.


So far as I can gather the sale did have a separate postage cost listed.


So they drove about 1.5 hours to hand deliver the item. Not really local.

Now the buyer has left a big red dot with the comment
"Payed for postage and they delivered it themselves feeling a bit ripped off...."


So they thought they were doing the right thing by hand delivering and got slammed.


I think there is very little that could be done about the NEG but what they want to know is some good words to respond to that NEG with.

I'm not that great with these kinda words.


Anyone have any good ideas?

Message 1 of 80
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Question on Response to a Feedback Comment


@digital*ghost wrote:


My favourite one was along the lines of:


Attention all door-knockers, consultation with the householder is by prearranged appointment only. A $100 non-refundable booking fee applies.


Smiley LOL


I have a do not knock sign up at the moment, but I still get people knocking Smiley Mad I got into an argument with one guy (energy company rep.) because I mentioned that one of the reasons I chose the company I'm currently with is because they don't send people 'round knocking on doors, and he was standing there trying to tell me that they do (like that made his presence and insistence any better - not to mention that my 'do not knock' sign was issued by my energy company, and they have pretty much committed not to do it Smiley LOL ). 


I said no to a charity collector once, as well, one of those non-vlounteer ones, so they get paid on essentially a commission basis, and he started blithering on saying as if I don't even have 5c to give. Smiley Surprised


My aunt had the best idea, she kept a bucket of water by the door, and did actually use it. 

I love the bucket of water suggestion and I might keep one by the front door for energy company reps. I've threatened a few of them with the police if they come near my place again but it's pretty much water off a duck's back.  I've googled and those sorts of doorknockers HAVE to tell you straight up that they're required to leave immediately if we ask them to, but of course nobody ever says it and they never will.


When I worked at the Red Cross op shop the woman over the road came doorknocking for Red Cross - and she knew I worked at the shop because she did too!  I told one of the other workers and she just shook her head at the stupidity of it. It was the only time RC have ever knocked on my door.


If anyone tries to get me to give by sending me on a guilt trip I won't give to them on principle.  I had a checkout chick in Big W ask me for a donation to something two or three years ago and I haven't shopped there since.

Message 71 of 80
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Our local woollies is constantly fund raising for the Children's Hospital, which is very commendable, but also extremely annoying.  I know the check-out people are instructed to ask every customer.  Each of us usually buys a ticket or two & so then when asked we just say, not this time we've already bought one.  Fortunately some of the check out staff know us & don't ask every time, only at the start of each raffle, which is fine.  You get the odd casual check out person who becomes a little too insistent and that does make me quite angry, as I think they have one raffle or another running pretty much 52 weeks of the year.

Message 72 of 80
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If you choose to answer a door knock/bell to an unknown person and once you've identified it's someone you do not wish to deal with (even someone delivering a parcel to an address which YOU may have given), it's quite simple to be polite in saying "I'm not interested" and close the door.


As an occupier of a property, you have every right to do this to police, flower deliverers, parcel deliverers or salesmen.  The action such visitors take next will depend on the reason for their visit in the first place.



Message 73 of 80
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You also have the right not to open the door in the first place.


When I first moved here 45 years ago the bible bashers were regular door knockers.  They used to meet on the corner opposite my soon as I heard the slam of a couple of car doors it only took a quick look out the window to know I was going to have visitors.   I just did not answer the door.


The funniest thing I have ever heard of was over 50 years grandmother had an elderly lady sharing her home.  The lady's son was a CoE minister so the one thing she did know was her bible.  One very insistant group of bible bashers was invited in to explain everything to her.  When they started saying that "the Bible says so and so" she asked them to show her.  There was a bit of huffing and puffing and backpedalling and they then said they did not have "that version" of the Bible with them.   She promptly went and got her own Bible and asked them to show her.....they beat a very hasty retreat and never came back again.Smiley Wink

Message 74 of 80
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Question on Response to a Feedback Comment

If you choose to answer a door knock/bell .........


Message 75 of 80
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Question on Response to a Feedback Comment


I heard a knock on the door and looked through the peep hole.

There were 2 women in full Hijab's.

So I opened the mail slot and looked at them, then yelled, "Now you know how it feels".


Smiley LOL


Not really, it's only a joke. No offence, before anyone jumps on me. Smiley Happy

(cathy's post reminded me of it)

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Message 76 of 80
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Question on Response to a Feedback Comment

I have to ask Kopes...................... what were you hiding in the mailbox for in the first place ???????


"Strange people the Northern Europeans................."

"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 77 of 80
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Kopes was getting tired of being in the tree.


"Get Smart: The Only Way to Die (#2.4)" (1966)
Agent 13: I'm sitting in a mailbox and you're telling me I don't know what it's like to be cooped up in a small room? I'd love to be cooped up in a small room. I'd give anything to to be cooped up in something as big as a small room.
Maxwell Smart: Take it easy, 13, take it easy.
Agent 13: Every assignment I get I'm always locked up in something small. I'm always in a mailbox or a scale or a locker or a grandfathers clock or a tree - you know what happened when I was stationed in that tree at the rubber plantation place?
Maxwell Smart: What?
Agent 13: I was tapped! Try that some time! Try standing up all night with a spigot in your stomach!


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 78 of 80
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Question on Response to a Feedback Comment

I have to ask Kopes...................... what were you hiding in the mailbox for in the first place ???????


Hiding from the stawka.


Scandinavia, if you don't mind. Huff.gif
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Message 79 of 80
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Question on Response to a Feedback Comment


@kopenhagen5 wrote:

I have to ask Kopes...................... what were you hiding in the mailbox for in the first place ???????


Hiding from the stawka.


Scandinavia, if you don't mind. Huff.gif










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