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I have been contacted by a seller who is a little bit afraid to post for help on these boards.
They are a small time seller trying to supplement family income.


They sold an item that would have been a bit fragile to mail so thought the safest way would be to hand deliver as the address was in their local area.


So far as I can gather the sale did have a separate postage cost listed.


So they drove about 1.5 hours to hand deliver the item. Not really local.

Now the buyer has left a big red dot with the comment
"Payed for postage and they delivered it themselves feeling a bit ripped off...."


So they thought they were doing the right thing by hand delivering and got slammed.


I think there is very little that could be done about the NEG but what they want to know is some good words to respond to that NEG with.

I'm not that great with these kinda words.


Anyone have any good ideas?

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@davidc4430 wrote:

i have a sign, no door knockers and no religous peddlers. seems to work.

i have a sign too. "pitbull terriers on duty. enter at your own risk"  ! and it worksRobot LOL

Message 51 of 80
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I have pitbulls and they will lick you to death.

They just love to play with the kids.

They have been brought up to be loving and caring and not a danger to anyone.

People that have turned these dogs into viciuos animals should have them removed.

Message 52 of 80
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Also, it's probably very helpful to advise this seller to block this buyer immediately.

Message 53 of 80
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@scrambler3333 wrote:

I have pitbulls and they will lick you to death.

They just love to play with the kids.

They have been brought up to be loving and caring and not a danger to anyone.

People that have turned these dogs into viciuos animals should have them removed.

And those who put signs such as "pitbull terriers on duty. enter at your own risk" are not doing their breed any favors.

It continues to perpetuate the notion that tough/bull breeds should be feared. Good for you, scrambler3333 for

being a responsible dog owner and giving a damn about the breed's reputation.


Wouldn't a generic sign "dogs on premises" be better?

Message 54 of 80
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I used to have a sign up saying something along the lines of:


If you're trying to get me to change power companies

If you're trying to get me to change phone companies

If you're trying to get me to donate to charity

If you're trying to save me


Don't bother.


I am happy with my power and phone companies, I don't donate to human charities and I definitely don't need saving.

Be warned, beligerant, cranky and unstable spouse inside. Knock at your own risk.


It was surprising how many people I'd hear walk up to the door, stand for a minute, then walk away. When I'd look out the window, it was usually someone with a clipboard or someone with a bible. I must put a new sign up because I'm starting to be bothered again by rampant door knockers.

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One of my neighbours is on his own and has been with Aust Post for decades.

He often does night shifts, sleeping during the day.


I asked many of the door knockers, "how do they know which houses do night shift?"


Most common answer, "they should put up a sign".


How about, companies and churches should respect privacy.


Some also responded with, "Oh yeah, we hadn't thought of that".

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Message 56 of 80
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Oh wow ........... maybe you could send this suggestion to the member on another thread looking to create some signs to sell on eBay .............. ROFL

Message 57 of 80
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@*tippy*toes* wrote:

I used to have a sign up saying something along the lines of:


If you're trying to get me to change power companies

If you're trying to get me to change phone companies

If you're trying to get me to donate to charity

If you're trying to save me


Don't bother.


I am happy with my power and phone companies, I don't donate to human charities and I definitely don't need saving.

Be warned, beligerant, cranky and unstable spouse inside. Knock at your own risk.


It was surprising how many people I'd hear walk up to the door, stand for a minute, then walk away. When I'd look out the window, it was usually someone with a clipboard or someone with a bible. I must put a new sign up because I'm starting to be bothered again by rampant door knockers.

My favourite one was along the lines of:


Attention all door-knockers, consultation with the householder is by prearranged appointment only. A $100 non-refundable booking fee applies.


Smiley LOL


I have a do not knock sign up at the moment, but I still get people knocking Smiley Mad I got into an argument with one guy (energy company rep.) because I mentioned that one of the reasons I chose the company I'm currently with is because they don't send people 'round knocking on doors, and he was standing there trying to tell me that they do (like that made his presence and insistence any better - not to mention that my 'do not knock' sign was issued by my energy company, and they have pretty much committed not to do it Smiley LOL ). 


I said no to a charity collector once, as well, one of those non-vlounteer ones, so they get paid on essentially a commission basis, and he started blithering on saying as if I don't even have 5c to give. Smiley Surprised


My aunt had the best idea, she kept a bucket of water by the door, and did actually use it. 

Message 58 of 80
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A lot of the charity collectors (not meaning the Red Shield Appeal or the other organised one day ones) get majority of the donations they are trying to get from you. Why would I pay someone to knock on my door to annoy me? I think for the first 6 months they get 90% of the donation that they sign people up for.


Those ones annoy me because a few times I have offered a one off donation. Oh no, you can't do that, you have to give them all your personal details, bank details, your first born and they take monthly contributions. NO WAY! I donate several thousand a year to a friends horse rescue charity. I know that 100% of all donations go towards the horses. She takes not one cent. I claim it back on my tax and then give it to her again.


I think the best line I heard from a collector was down the main street one day. He was dressed average, looked average, nothing to suggest he was a collector. He stopped people to ask if they knew somewhere decent where he could get some dinner that night. Once he'd got them talking, he went in for the kill. I don't know how many people he signed up, but I thought it a clever tactic. Yes, I was stopped, and offered suggestions. I praised him for his tactic, but didn't sign up for anything.

Message 59 of 80
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Back on topic, just had a message from the seller this thread concerns -


Just now, she then revised to positive FB as, “Nice people to deal with”

Now that little red dot has changed to green dot. Something that we have never thought of happening. It was just like a magic to us. How lucky we are!


So a good result. Smiley Happy

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