Recent update issues with Turbo Lister

Hi Turbo Lister Users,


In order to resolve issues with TurboLister product updates, we strongly encourage you to upgrade (Tools - Check for Program Updates) to TurboLister version “9.912.102.0” or higher (You can check this by clicking on the Help link next to Tools (not the Help button) at the top of the program and selecting the About Turbo Lister option from the dropdown menu).


If for some reason you are unable to upgrade to the above version or higher by August 15, 2014 or have issues with upgrades, please follow the steps below:


Uninstall the program:


1. From your Desktop, click "Start," and then select "Control Panel." (Charms Bar in Win 8, 8.1)

2. In the Control Panel, click "Programs and Features".

3. To uninstall a program, select it from the list and click the "Uninstall/Change" button.

4. Click "Continue." The "Turbo Lister 2 - InstallShield Wizard" window displays. Follow the directions to remove the program.


-- Important --


When prompted to remove your user database files, click "No" if you want to save your listing information. If you click "Yes," you'll need to re-enter your account information and you'll lose your listing database.


Now that you've removed Turbo Lister 2 software from your computer, you can reinstall it.  Please be aware of what eBay site version you run (US, UK, CA, etc).  To install the,au Turbo Lister, please access the Download link here:


If you are not running the, please access the eBay site you list on and scroll to the bottom of the page to select Site Map.  You should then see a Turbo Lister option to download the site you wish to use.


To reinstall Turbo Lister 2:


1. Click the "Download Now" button.

2. A pop-up box appears. Choose "Save" (or in some browsers, "Save to Disk") to save the program to your desktop.

3. Go to the desktop, right-click the "SetupAU.exe" file, and choose "Run as Administrator" to reinstall Turbo Lister.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

5. Run the Turbo Lister program updates by clicking "Tools > check for program updates." Select any updates that are found.


Thank you for your patience in this matter and we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.




eBay Turbo Lister Support

Message 1 of 14
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Recent update issues with Turbo Lister

Yeah I thought that strange too. Oh well
Message 11 of 14
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Recent update issues with Turbo Lister

All updates we get is just little things

Message 12 of 14
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Recent update issues with Turbo Lister

I have the latest version, and I'm still awaiting an option to "automatically relist your item up to 3 times" for free as you do when you list on the ebay site.  At the moment I'm having to go into my listings individually on the site after they are listed.  Any chance there is a way to do this with TL and I've missed it, or in future upgrades maybe??

Message 13 of 14
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Recent update issues with Turbo Lister

Most of the time when I relist through the eBay site, I still have to revise to tick the box. It's a bit annoying because if I just hit relist and then submit because I don't want to make any changes, the box doesn't tick. If I hit relist and then go in to revise, the box is ticked. So, as a matter of course now, I hit revise/make changes (or whatever it says), just so the box ticks, even if I don't want to make any changes.

Message 14 of 14
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