
The buyer purchased XPS machine on 23/8/2017.

He want to ask me to do refund,but the return item is not mine.

the condition of return is second hard one, the seal was broken as photo.

we can't sure that th machine which is we sell to the buyer. 

this buyer is cheater. he told ebay that he is not office until 29/9/2017.

but he push ebay to do refund for item. the return is look like second hard machine ,not new one.

Last year,we meet the same case like this one, we can't keep seller right , so we put the seal on screws to keep hardware.

Form the photo, the seal was broken, the buyer enable open back cover and replace parts, like motherboard, fan..... 

Please help me to do investage for this buyer, on ebay sell list , i find that he sell same XPS. 

i believe that this buyer tell lies for this case. the item was replaced already by this buyer.








Message 1 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

You need to RING eBay or get them to ring you back and tell them what is happening. Unfortunately, in most of these situations eBay sides with the buyer, even when you have proof they are sending back a different item. Do you have a serial number of the item you sent to compare with the one he sent back?

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

Surely a serial number would support your claim, but as advised, you MUST call ebay because you are only communicating to their massive computerized system by writing messages, and it will just give you automated replies that will go the scamming buyers way every time. Getting too risky to sell valuable items on ebay full stop. May as well just leave your front door open to the robbers in society. Ebay is becoming legalized theft.

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

the seal is keep hardware to orginal.


the machine is no boot up , we can't get the series number for motherboard. so we can't make sure the machine is mine.


We do have seal on motherboard, but there is keep evidence for laptop. so we don't open machine to check it.




Message 4 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

What about the seial number on the back of the laptop, usually on the sticker with the windows ID?

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

the return machine is i7-6500U, we sell machine is i7-6560U. 


return machine is no boot, my machine is working....


Call ebay..... You really give me a good answer, even they send me a block, i must do refund after recived item.


Really don't know what eBay do for seller. 




Message 6 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

Have you requested a call back and asked to speak to a supervisor?

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

I called three time.


frist time , ebay ask me to waiting for 11/9/2017......


second time , ebay ask to waiting fo buyer repond, because buyer is not in office, only waiting for 29/9/2017, i told her that the case will expird on 11/9/2017, she ask me to waiting ...


third time , ebay ask me to do refund.


No big difference....this moring , the buyer send email to me to do refund......


You know the buyer is a laptop seller on ebay at same time, ebay message me that buyer is not in office, so you can't contract him.


Oh, really why ebay always charger money from sellers,but they never protect sellers.even a equal chance to explain ..


Sorry for complaint , normally we will meet same case two or three time in one year.


As a seller, we work hard  to improve our performance every time, from the package ,the item, the seal, the warranty ,the decrption....


Try too many solutions to deal with the same issue..... it really no use on ebay. every time the ebay will told us to do refund, because ebay can't do inpection for item...








Message 8 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

unfortunately, all but a select few of the people who post on these forums are just members like yourself.


you'll need to keep contacting ebay through official channels such as via phone or email in order to resolve the problem.


in the event that this has already been finalised - the only thing i can recommend in future is that you photograph all items prior to sending them including identifying marks, seals, serial numbers etc and do this with the buyers name / address in the photo. it might be a hassle to do for each sale, but every now and then it can come in hand and save you financially. 

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Return ID: 5063284247

Thanks for your help....




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