
The buyer purchased XPS machine on 23/8/2017.

He want to ask me to do refund,but the return item is not mine.

the condition of return is second hard one, the seal was broken as photo.

we can't sure that th machine which is we sell to the buyer. 

this buyer is cheater. he told ebay that he is not office until 29/9/2017.

but he push ebay to do refund for item. the return is look like second hard machine ,not new one.

Last year,we meet the same case like this one, we can't keep seller right , so we put the seal on screws to keep hardware.

Form the photo, the seal was broken, the buyer enable open back cover and replace parts, like motherboard, fan..... 

Please help me to do investage for this buyer, on ebay sell list , i find that he sell same XPS. 

i believe that this buyer tell lies for this case. the item was replaced already by this buyer.








Message 1 of 15
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Please persevere as it is cheating you out of your hard earned money. If buyers like this feel they can get away with ïnternet shop lifting"they will continue to do so with other sellers.

Message 11 of 15
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Do you have documentation from where you sourced your product? If so I would provide this to Paypal/ebay and state quite strongly with them that the item returned to you from the buyer is NOT the item you sent. Tell them you will seek legal advice as this a case of fraud by the buyer and the monies taken from your account is supporting their fraud!!

Message 13 of 15
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If you do end up losing I would recommend you lodgea case with The ACORN.
This is the Federal Police.
Once you have a case number provide it to eBay and the buyer.
Message 14 of 15
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eBay told me to refund this moring....

Please pay attenation to this seller REMOVED, a laptop dealer.
no technical support for personal buyer , ebay alway to told me they are vulnerable groups.

this time , the buyer is laptop dealer...sell same model machine , they give me a same result , bcause the evidence is not enough, the buyer close his shop for one month to avoid to contract form ebay..until 22/9/2017 they will open the shop.

email to him, he alway ask me to do refund...

 What a skilled liar.......



Message 15 of 15
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