Rip-off Merchants

“Rip-off merchents. I can get the ezact same XXXX from Armerica for $22 less.”


And that’s exactly how the spelling went 🙂


But, just to amuse myself, I did some checking and wow!! He sure can. $22 less exactly - in USD. Haha! Postage was $46 and that’s USD too.


I just couldn’t help myself this time, “Tell someone who cares”.


God it felt good. Sometimes you’ve just gotta give it back 🙂



Message 1 of 15
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Re: Rip-off Merchants

So you have always been a stirrer Stawks?


Once a stirrer always a stirrer!!Smiley WinkSmiley LOL

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Rip-off Merchants

@clubesquire wrote:



Never gave that other angle a thought Digi. Is there no end to it? Honestly, I just don’t remember this sort of stuff from 10-15 years ago.


It didn't actually occur to me until a few months after I received a message about one set of items, the same buyer messaged about a new listing and it was virtually identical to their previous message - the most notable part to me (and perhaps strangely) is that "buy" was spelled "bye". It struck me as odd, because the member had several hundred FB, so they'd been on eBay long enough to see the word "buy" with the correct spelling countless times, and while I could see one unfortunate typo being made (I've made plenty -  in context, the irony of misspelling "intelligent" in my previous post is not lost on me Smiley LOL ), I thought it was odd they'd use the so-obviously-incorrect spelling twice in a row, but months apart, so I took a bit of a dive down the rabbit hole and found they were a long-time seller of the items I was listing, and seemed to be able to spell "buy" (plus many other words) correctly elsewhere. 


I do (obviously) have a tendency to micro-analyze things and can wind up being way off base at times, but I felt like they were trying to make themselves just look like an unassuming, casual, private buyer looking to complete a collection and garner a little empathy, rather than a dealer trying to negotiate a deal, because the (supposedly) unsuspecting seller might be inclined to drive a harder bargain if they know they're selling to someone who wants to sell it themselves for more than they've paid (which obviously gives the game away that they're worth more).  

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Rip-off Merchants

@dazzledayz wrote:

I had one a while ago who thought I was cheeky for selling a 30yr old mag at greater than original value.


I had to ask her what she thought the price of an original Dickens would be ... just couldn't help myself.

Please send me the original edition of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, at the original subscription price, and of course include discount because it's unfinished. reading-on-the-loo-g.gif

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Rip-off Merchants

One of the most ludicrous disguises, it seems...


Intentional misspelling is harder to pull off than it might seem. I know from experience - not that I'm the "Sell to me for a cheap price" sort of person, but rather from a "hide your identity" online Halloween day where forum members were encouraged to create a one-day-only fake ID, in order to create a virtual costume party... Prizes for anyone who managed to fool everyone until the unmasking.


It was outrageously hard to disguise myself to any degree.


With regard to collectables, I don't mind negotiating, but it has to be in good faith. Dirty shenanigans for a profit don't seem fair...


Melina, I'd probably have replied to your rude potential buyer with "Thank you for informing me. As the item in your link is $x more than my item when converted to Australian dollars, notwithstanding the postage cost from the US to you in Australia, clearly my price is too low, and I'm going to raise it right now! I'd never have known if it hadn't been for your polite communication! Thanks so much!

Best regard, etc., etc."

Message 14 of 15
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Re: Rip-off Merchants

Ah yes. Nice 🙂 that would have felt good too.


But but, but, ive  been sooooo good for sooooo long. I just couldn’t help it 🙂 the devil in me wins out sometimes.


Not relevant to this, but only this morning we received an apology from a Russian fellow who had taken it too us because he thought an item was not from the era claimed. I did take the time to politely ‘set him right’, so I’m not a bad girl all the time .... lol. We actually do spend a bit of time with these sort of enquiries. But, it’s all part of it.


All good Countess. I’m back in my box 🙂



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