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Rip-off Merchants

“Rip-off merchents. I can get the ezact same XXXX from Armerica for $22 less.”


And that’s exactly how the spelling went 🙂


But, just to amuse myself, I did some checking and wow!! He sure can. $22 less exactly - in USD. Haha! Postage was $46 and that’s USD too.


I just couldn’t help myself this time, “Tell someone who cares”.


God it felt good. Sometimes you’ve just gotta give it back 🙂



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Rip-off Merchants

And on your special list no doubt. Smiley Wink

image host
Message 2 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

Oh yes. Speshul lizts fer speshul peeple 🙂



Message 3 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

I had one a while ago who thought I was cheeky for selling a 30yr old mag at greater than original value.


I had to ask her what she thought the price of an original Dickens would be ... just couldn't help myself.

Message 4 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

I never understood that mentality - by which I mean, if someone else is selling an item for eg $5, anyone selling it for any more than that is ripping off their buyers. I mean, I get that some buyers don't look (or think) beyond anything other than what they'll pay, but I find it hard to believe that someone doesn't even have the slightest grasp on what causes pricing differences (other than seller greed). I hear about it all the time in collectible categories (eg someone spots a piece in poor condition for $100, and tries to negotiate the same price from someone who has a mint condition version at $200 or so). 


Also, I used to run auctions on (moderately) popular collector items when I first started - I would get messages asking for discounts, special prices on bulk lots etc, from people that I very quickly suspected contained intentional spelling and grammar errors. I found from a small bit of digging (much easier back in those days) that these people were often dealers / sellers themselves, and I suspect they wanted to make themselves look dumb less intenlligent that they really were, as if it would somehow make me more vulnerable to their otherwise non-existant negotiating skills. Smiley Frustrated

Message 5 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

You’re absolutely right about collectibles Digi, we cop that very often. Buyers comparing lemons with sweet grapes - deliberately though I feel. And we’ve received lots of stories, “My most precious, now departed grandad had one the same as that. Oh, I want it in his memory so bad, but I only have $x. Can you please help me?” And variations of this, but generally around the same theme and some are heart Tuggers.  It’s pretty bad.


Never gave that other angle a thought Digi. Is there no end to it? Honestly, I just don’t remember this sort of stuff from 10-15 years ago.


I’ve had a bit to say about a few bad sellers lately, but holy Dooley, some buyers seem to have it down pat, in much bigger numbers.


Ugh! Time to knock off and enjoy a glass (or three)  of some nice spritzy wine I think 🙂


gnight all,



Message 6 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

I had one who told me (with a picture attached no less) that she got the same item at a Hobart market for $5. When I told her the one in her picture did not look anything like mine she replied "But it's similar!". And after I ignored her a couple of days, she sent another message "So you're not going to reduce your price?". Really people, take up knitting or something!

Message 7 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

Had to laugh at your reply.


I think it's fair enough to give a feisty answer if someone is rude like that.


Basically, the man had no reason to message you. If he wanted the item cheaper & could get it cheaper elsewhere, he just needs to go ahead & do it.

Your name's not Bunnings.Smiley Wink

Message 8 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

I’m not usually like that Springy. In fact, far from it, but goodness me - fair sizzle of the ole sausage!


As someone said in here a while ago, I’m learning, I think 🙂


I’m slow at it though .... lol.



Message 9 of 15
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Rip-off Merchants

Honored Contributor

“Rip-off merchents. I can get the ezact same XXXX from Armerica for $22 less.”


My answer to this type of message has always been -


Then you'd be silly to buy it from me, then, wouldn't you?


I was saying this at markets back in the 70's


They usually walked away, confused     My care factor - nil.


Message 10 of 15
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