on โ06-01-2015 07:12 PM
I know we are in the holiday period and many are still away.
Just wondering how others are going selling wise?
Is is usually this bad...or has Ebay flicked their server witch again?
on โ06-01-2015 07:45 PM
In our case had the worst pre Christmas sales in around 6 years of selling on Ebay, but amazingly made 2 sales on Christmas day, and since thensales have been picking up quite rapidly, no where as as many as we used to do in the good old days when Ebay was just a selling platform where we sellers could just concerstrate on the job at hand, and fees were resonable, and Ebay did not treat us sellers like school children, anyhow thats my **bleep** for the year.
on โ06-01-2015 07:56 PM
on โ06-01-2015 07:59 PM
terrible until today actually, finally sold a few things today
on โ06-01-2015 08:29 PM
I would guess you clothes sellers would be competing with the Brick and Mortor stores at the momement with there after Christmas sales
on โ06-01-2015 08:52 PM
Yes, ... I think it's just the holiday period and a lot of people still on holidays. And, yes ... I sell kids clothes ... I have a few regulars who stock pile and fill a satchel (to save on postage). and they are my saviours at the moment.
I'm hoping things will pick up in a week or so ๐
on โ06-01-2015 08:55 PM
My sales have been quite good since Mid december, and I am still selling items steadily. I am also getting a lot on enquires and followers have also increased.
I am quite suprised, but I am not complaining!
I hope other's pick up in sales
on โ06-01-2015 08:58 PM
@ausbargainbasement wrote:anyhow thats my **bleep** for the year.
OOOH Cmon the years only just started. Surely there will be some more **bleep* before the year is through. ( this coming from an ex farmer )
As for sales, January started really well but has slowed to a trickle in the stores. The 150 free listings on the private account are doing very well ( and out selling the stores ) so the bills will get paid for another week. One collectable auction listing has 34 watchers and bids totalling several hundred dollars, so some-one is still out there in ebay land. My stores tend to service businesses as well as private sales so it is no suprise if they are a bit slow at this time of the year. It just seems that buyers are very fickle at the moment. There is really no rhym or reason to if, when or what they will buy.
on โ07-01-2015 12:35 AM
Things are pretty much normal for me. I'll have a run of a lot of sales, then nothing for a few days, then another run. I posted 8 things yesterday and have 2 to post tomorrow.
on โ07-01-2015 10:31 AM
Store sales are about the same, auction items were good last week or two but nothing ending over the next bid has any bids yet and views are also down, I find this happens most years as the B&M sales are on and people are starting to get the bills for the things they bought on credit in the run up to Christmas.