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Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

Can anyone share some experience in my situation.


Basically the buyer returned an empty box to a tampered address and eBay has decided to full refund the buyer.


The return shipping label was provided by eBay and a signature was required as the item is over $1000.


The local post office helped us find the recipient through the siginatory information and the staff provided a statement proving that the signature is from someone else.


We made contact with the parcel recipient and luckily they kept the original packaging and they are happy to be our witness.


We uploaded all evidence immediately and requested eBay to hold the refund and investigate.


eBay refunded the buyer in full because the "the buyer provided valid proof that the return was delivered." eBay insisted its the correct return address being used in their eParcel system as well as AusPost's.


I had a closer look at the shipping label again and realized the address was tampered.


eBay ignored all of our solid evidence and only looked at their own system. Outrageous!


Are we alone?


Thanks in advance.




Message 1 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

I think this type of fraud will increase in future.


You should consider making a report to ACORN.  Submit copies of everything, eBay messages, emails and case details.  Even if they canโ€™t act on this instance of fraud they may end up with reports that show a pattern of fraud from that buyer if other sellers have a similar experience to you.


Check the buyerโ€™s feedback and see if any sellers have made feedback comments about the buyer behaviour (it may be pattern behaviour).


Please do come back and keep us up to date with this case.  Your posts may help other sellers handle this type of fraud.


Message 2 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

This is terrible.. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this.


When you say the buyer has tampered the label, do you mean they've basically put another address on top of the return label eBay provided?

Message 3 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

From what I have been reading on these boards, yes, I would say that there seem to be a few scammers around who try to defraud people with altered labels, false tracking numbers, empty boxes etc-I wouldn't say it is common but it does seem to happen occasionally & usually with higher priced items.


I'd do exactly what k1000 sales said but I would also be ringing ebay and asking to speak to someone a bit higher up the totem pole. Be polite but firm and make sure they know you'll be going to the police about this as you have evidence and signed statements from Aust Post.


The problem here is ebay is in the unenviable position of being in the middle and what they are seeing is that the label printed had the 'correct' address and uploaded evidence it was delivered. The trouble with an 'altered' label is usually they have no proof of who altered it or when. However, in your case you are very lucky because you have a lot of outside evidence to support your case. By the sounds of it, very solid outside evidence from not only Aust Post (which I think is the strongest) but also from the recipient and the actual box with the altered label.


The buyer of course could claim the box did have the item and the recipient must have removed it. Is there a weight recorded on the box label, was it an item that would significantly change a weight reading? If it was in a box, then I am guessing it might have been. A very light box weight would further support your claim.


I know ebay staff are not trained investigators but I think when it comes to cases like this, they are going to have to put some staff time into researching all the details-even if these cases are sent to a special section. They can't just trot out a generic response. If they suspect fraud they should  also report it to ACORN.

In this case if they feel they still have to refund the buyer, it should come out of their own funds.

But I don't think just uploading evidence to ebay is enough, you'll need to talk to them and insist they re-examine your case.

Message 4 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

We already talked to eBay, the staff on the phone cannot decide, so it's escalated to a manager offline. Then someone replied via email repeated the same decision and reason, disregarding our evidence. We will keep appealing.


In this case, the AusPost's statement is a red flag for eBay to issue the refund as the signature is not ours. I saw in another post saying no signature no refund for item over $750, but could not find the source. Not sure if this is eBays policy. I think it should be enought as long as we can prove the  the parcel was sent to a different address deliberately, but will check the weight anyway.


Message 5 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

It's the same shipping label with the same tracking number, only the address part got photoshoped.

Message 6 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

Thanks for the advice. We will report to ACORN as well as the police.

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

Your local police won't probably care too much. If anything they should redirect you to The ACORN.


The ACORN is the federal police against online cybercrime, which thiis seems to be part of.


Once you do lodge a case then pass the case reference number to the scamming buyer to let them know they have been brought to the attention of the Federal Police

Message 8 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

I would also invole the ombudsman. They seem to have more punch power than acorn


Message 9 of 19
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Re: Scam - Return shipping label tampered.

Which ombudsman? Ombudsman usually deal with specific sector (telecom, finance) so not sure which ombudsman can deal with this matter.

Message 10 of 19
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