Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

Community Member

Hi Guys,

Please help. This happened >6 months ago. I've refunded a buyer after a couple of week of her purchase as she was too difficult to deal with since the purchase so i decided it's just too hard. However her negative review came out only a few days ago & my rating dropped from 100% to 92% 😢 & the review date when searched indicted as > 6 months ago which means eBay wouldn't help? 

How could this has happened as I checked my eBay daily & her negative review only came out a few days ago?

Appreciate your reply.

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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

Contact CS via live chat, advise that the -FB is defamatory and politely request it is removed.

Message 2 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

I've just chatted with eBay on live chat (some how stumbled across live chat function). They insisted the feed back was left more than 6 months ago (9/2021)  so eBay customer service won't be able to remove it. FYI transaction date (5/7/2021). It's strange as I checked my account daily.

Message 3 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

Thanks. Any other sugestions? I've also chatted with the supervisor the resolution was the same. Very disppointed with eBay's system.

Message 4 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

And yet the FB shows as having been left within the last 6 months.

Message 5 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

The  problem could be, that you have already posted a reply to the FB.

Message 6 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

@gutterpunkz05 wrote:

And yet the FB shows as having been left within the last 6 months.

Yes, if you look at "when" it says very clearly "past 6 months".

I don't know what else you can do, OP. Sometimes trying a different supervisor helps. Some people here had different results with different CS representatives or supervisors.

In a few months you will have your 100% feedback back though,

Strange eBay would say it was in 9/2021. It this was the case, you would have 100% feedback because it is now 10/2022, so no negative fb in the past year.

Message 7 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old



Exactly right, paper. Jolly well spotted


OP, please get back onto the clowns chat staff, and a supervisor again, and politely point out how if it was left when they claim, your feedback would be 100%, since it was more than a year ago and would no longer be held against your % rating 

Message 8 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

I'm still waiting on a red dot removal from over 12 months ago.....can't be bothered any more 🙄

Message 9 of 14
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Seller-How to remove negative review >6 months old

It certainly is weird.

The OP says the purchase was in July 2021, eBay says feedback was in September 2021, the OP's feedback shows feedback was in the past 6 months.

Strictly speaking, a buyer only has 60 days to leave feedback, so it seems to be a mystery why fb appeared so late, but it is a shame it ruins the OP's overall feedback.


Message 10 of 14
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