Seller misrepresented location of item

Attachment below is self explanatory!




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Re: Seller misrepresented location of item

Honored Contributor



Ebay don't care.


Plenty of threads here on the buying boards saying the same thing.



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Re: Seller misrepresented location of item

good luck with the class action you are looking to start.  Please keep us informed about your progress with this.


Are you posting here to gauge the level of support there is for a class action? OR, are you posting to get people to agree to join you in a class action?


Either way, you would need to furnish members with a lot more information like which law firm is prepared to launch the action, the exact nature of the claim, what outcomes are being sought etc.

Message 3 of 5
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Re: Seller misrepresented location of item

I wasn't sure whether to say this or not, but who's calling who(m?) in component incompetent?  Not sure about printing a labor, but I print labels occasionally.

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Re: Seller misrepresented location of item

Probably the reason eBay does nothing about it is because they have no idea what you're on about. They may not understand labor an component. Did you purchase a component for something that didn't arrive? EBay also doesn't like to be threatened, especially if they are idle threats that hold no water. They generally laugh at people who threaten a class action. A class action for what? Do you even know what a class action is?


Stop making idle threats towards billion dollar companies, who would spread you on their toast, and open a dispute. Simple.

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