Sellers : Gain A Voice

For Years eBay's Mantra has been ' We are a Platform - We are a Venue.


Not anymore.


Today it is a Fee Guzzling, Dictorial, Judgemental monster, totally lacking in any Integrity


We the Sellers are held to Ransom for the pitiful little Symbols & Icons they offer for complying with the 'Policies'.


For the most part we Sellers are dealing with our customers with Consideration & Integrity.

Our Feedback is Testament to this.


There is always going to be an element of dishonest traders as there is everywhere.

Most of whom will not & do not last long.


To Comply we are directed to offer 'Free Postage'.

This is not China - our Govt. does not offer this to encourage trade - we pay a hefty cost for Postage.


To offer 'Free Postage' when the cost is recouped in the sale is not only dishonest it is illegal.

eBay do not offer the honest option of 'Postage Included'.

This is Australia - in a lot of cases same day or 1 day posting is nigh on impossible to say nothing of being non cost effective.

 A 30 day money back guarantee is boardering on the ridiculous for most of our items.


Then we come to August 20th & the 'Defect' System.


This system is so Flawed - so Lacking in Reason - it beggars belief.


For whatever reason these so called 'Defects' are given & no matter the outcome between buyer & seller the 'Defects' stand.


This is the only country in the world without the even playing field of mutual Feedback.

Ours is totally stacked for the Buyer.

Without Sellers there are no Buyers.


eBay has stated a buyer not happy with a transaction is not likely to return to the site.

What Rubbish.

We have all had experiences we would rather forget but purchase again & again.


My Lone Voice will be heard on 20th August & on 21st August & on 22nd August & on 23rd of August.


My holiday Settings will be turned on - my items not seen - eBay will receive no income from me for this time.


My hip pocket is willing to take the hit & I gain a voice.


IMAGINE if it were not a LONE VOICE.


Message 1 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Done - plenty of ice.

Message 51 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Well, here we go - only hours away.


I have cleared & dusted off the mantle for my new 'Defect Statuettes'.



Message 52 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice



I was under the impression that each post brought forward a topic.


No this keeps going back to page 23.


This normal????????

Message 53 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Perhaps. But the squeak is becoming louder these days. Sometimes a mouse may roar.

Message 54 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Then Be The Mouse That Roared.

Message 55 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

This Mouse Has 'Squeeked' for the next 4 days.

Message 56 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

@tuffy42tuffy wrote:

Perhaps. But the squeak is becoming louder these days. Sometimes a mouse may roar.

Sometimes when a mouse squeaks to loud a cat finds him. The cat then plays around with him for awhile untill he gets bored then eats the mouse. ............ Sorry not helpfull again............... I do actually wish all of the squeaky mice the best with their protests. As an ex farmer I know one mouse cant do much.  But a plague of mice ...........HMMMM !!!............

Message 57 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Thank you for that - good to get a chuckle.


1st day spent taking OH to RPA for a 'clinic' - he has to go back 1st Sept for a total knee replacement.


Anyone got a spare room for a few days - he only whines occasionally.

Message 58 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Great one Scott! I wish you all the best of luck with it. Yes, I did read the whole thing!

Message 60 of 62
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