on 27-02-2013 06:36 PM
Hi all,
Not found any rules on Ebay about this, is there any rule saying you must state an item your selling has come from house where there is a smoker? Like a wooden furnture peice, stand, even though item has been fully cleaned up.
Just wondering, maybe similar to people who have wood fires on in winter., well kind of.
on 27-02-2013 11:56 PM
I am a buyer, am reading all this carp and wandering what else do the poor sellers on Ebay have to remeber "to mention" besides 1001 other non significant info when selling second hand goods.
Must admit haven't bought any furniture on Ebay, but if I did and was sec. hand I don't feel I would have the right to complain about smoking - especially if I didn't ask beforehand (if I was that paranoid about it).
What happened to the old fashion norm that you buy something old, take it home and clean it up as well as restore it if needs be?
The best stuff ever, magical really, was bought by my day in London Portobello markets, it stank of all sorts of things, had layers of dirt, like 50 years worth - even the aniquities shops stank from God only knows what, smell used to follow us home and linger for like 6 months!
I buy lots of china where there is usually no smell as the sirfaces aren't porous, but if I bought clothing or bedding or I dunno, whatever like that, I would wash it or air it - problem solved!
When I go shopping with friends, stuff in stores doesn't smell, we get in the car with our bags and the first thing someone does is light a cigarette!
And besides, even PP doesn't accept smell of smoke or any other smell from the household as not as described
you keep mentioning shops and markets, well that is fine because you know what the item smells like because you are right in front of it, what is different here is that buyers can't smell the item until the receive it and if they are annoyed by the smell then they might mark down dsr and give neg feedback.
If sellers are happy to risk a few negs for poor descriptions then so be it but I would prefer a seller to make it clear that the item is from a smoke filled home and then it is my decision to buy and accept what I receive.
I don't really think it would affect the price greatly because every buyer loves an honest seller.
on 27-02-2013 11:58 PM
same ol' flamin' rubbish from the smokers, same ol' argument about closed-in vans, and wotif the vans 'ave a smoker-driver.
items that are in the same joint as smoker/s get saturated in a stink, and smoker-sellers oughta' have the integrity to mention that in the text description..
on 28-02-2013 12:05 AM
Should sellers also mention if they use particular perfume?
What about certain air fresheners in their home?
Particular washing liquids and/or fabric softeners?
Maybe incense?
Certain cleaning products?
LOTS of things can cause allergies, not only smoking.
Buyers who buy on eBay, sight unseen will always find something to complain about. If it isn't the smokers, it will be something else.
Get over it.
on 28-02-2013 12:09 AM
ouchieeeeeeeeee:_| I have a pink butt now but I see my post is still here:^O Forum police must be active or something:^O
on 28-02-2013 12:12 AM
I make it very clear in every one of my listings, however I cannot force buyers to actually read the listing:-)
eloi - I'm not making excuses for one of my bad habits, however being a non drinker and a non gambler, if I didn't smoke I'd be cutting out paper dolls;\
on 28-02-2013 12:16 AM
Oh I forgot to add ...
I LOATHE alcohol. I think it's the root of all evil, so should I expect sellers to mention if there is alcohol in their homes, in case I can smell it? The next purchase I make could come from an alcoholic after all. I'd hate for them to breathe all over my order!
And for the record, I don't smoke!
on 28-02-2013 12:28 AM
I see pet hair or urine hasn't been mentioned yet:^O No, I don't have pets (unless you count the dust bunnies) or kids that live here permanently. Maybe I could add something along the lines of : "I do smoke, however mine is a pet free, husband free, kid free home:-D
on 28-02-2013 12:31 AM
I could use that, replacing husband with wife. Or both, as I don't have either.
on 28-02-2013 12:33 AM
It's been an interesting discussion, but alas I have managed to sell a couple of things that need to be made up and aired outside overnight so I can post tomorrow:-)
on 28-02-2013 12:44 AM
I've got one to drag out in the morning, but if people insist on buying at 4am their time I reckon they can't really complain at a 24 hour turnaround.
It also doesn't help when I turn the TV off because there's nothing on and start going through my MP3 library. Which has more in it than I have available hours.
Sweet dreams, mum.