Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

Bad enough for the big sellers and their bottom line but what about the poor sods selling an item for a dollar with a postage cost of $7.20?

They'll end up with 18c after ebay have done their bit and then have to pay 50c to paypal.

Not only has he made nothing but is, in fact, 32c out of pocket!

Ebay govern us to not profif from postage and are quick to chastise the over-chargers but is it now the kettle calling the pot black when, for so many sellers, the FVF on the postage will be greater than that of the actual item?

For me there is only one conclusion..........

It sux like a Dyson!

Message 1 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

You know full well that if I give detail of the ids that do it that my post will be reported and I may be sanctioned.

I cannot therefore "prove" my position.

Still true, and others can assess the validity by my tone, my previous posting history (that has not been removed by mods) and my trading history on this ID.
Message 21 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

Hello, everyone. This thread is getting a heated and interpersonal.


Could we please remember to be civil to one another?


Message 22 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

@porcelainforyou2 wrote:

You are incorect. I have ben selling on Bay for over 7 years through different eBay IDs and have >3,000 feedbacks over the different sites.

One more and you get a free set of steak knives!

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 23 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

@thecatspjs wrote:
Lol tas - so if I amass thousands of posts on CS by partaking in political debates or post to the games threads on a regular basis others should trust my advice more - I think not.
You know exactly what I meant by my post so please don't go overboard and make up things to suit


Message 24 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

It is, what it is.

Its certainly not personal to me.

A posters history and public trading history speaks for itself IMO
Message 25 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

Sound like phorum_junkie should be working for ebay she seems to know everything ]so she thinks ] is down right rude at times to new sellers and turns  alot off asking for help on the forums ..

Guess I will get a comment as well .

Message 26 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?



eBay employees must declare themselves as such, and their posts are indicated by a bold blue border, plus this icon: eeicon.JPG


If they employed secret 'plants', then they're not doing a very good job if they can't convince you to change your mind, so either way it would seem it's eBay's loss. 



I suspect that eBay would have a very hard job of "changing the mind" of any sensible seller re their FVF on Australia Post's postage. Their profiting from a 9.9% fee / levy / tax on Australia Post's postage charges will be counterproductive to both eBay and to sellers in the long run through the loss of revenue from sales to internatioal buyers. Some may argue that removing the international postage calculator will solve that, because the seller can add on the 10% to the international postage when providing a postage quote, but in my exerience many potential inernational buyers just cannot be bothered emailing the seller for a postage quote and then waiting for a reply. They just find another seller with the same or a similar item who offers flat rate postage or free postage. I used to have international shipping on all of my listings, but received few postage enquiries from o'seas. When the postage calculator software was instituted some years ago, I activated the international postage calculator and doubled or trebled my sales to overseas buyers overnight. I have now removed international shipping from all of my listings, which are now "Australia only". This is eBay's loss as well as mine (although I suspect that their income from the FVF on domestic postage will more than compensate, many times over, for the loss of revenue from sales to international buyers - I would love to see their financial analysis re this, which I am sure they carried out before introducing this deeply unpopular policy).

I would have naively thought that a suspicion that someone who tries to 'defend' the indefensible (FVF on Ausralia Post postage) might just possibly have some underlying 'conflict of interest' is not unreasonable. Other members seem to disagree. Mind you, some people actually believe politicians' pre election promises...

I am just very disappointed that neither the ACCC nor Fair Trading (both of whom I have approached and with whom I have lodged formal complaints) can do anything about this policy, unlike a few years ago when eBay tried to force everybody to pay by PayPal, which they own and generate further fees from. On that occasion, the ACCC steped in and reversed eBay's policy.

There is a possible solution for eBay, and that is, as several other members have pointed out already, adding a % (percentage) field in the "P & H field" in the listing or in the "seller charge" field in the invoice. At present, only absolute $ amounts can be entered, which is of little use when international postage can vary from $10.55 for a small parcel to New Zealand to > $120 or more for larger, heavier parcels (see other posting re $120 postage cost to Canada).



Message 27 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

Jim, I am definitely not going your way.


Message 28 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

Very fair comment.

Just be caeful how you 'phrase' your posts. I was temporarily 'suspended' from access to the discussion forum for an 'intemperate' comment.

Message 29 of 72
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Re: Should ebay profit from a FVF on postage costs?

Wonderful comment from a large volume seller (Not a large volume 'poster')

Message 30 of 72
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